Home / News Articles / Code for hidden data in the National Zukan Pro announced
The recently released "Pocket Monsters Black 2/White 2 Official National Zukan Completion Guide" (ポケットモンスターブラック2・ホワイト2 公式ぜんこく図鑑完成ガイド) has revealed a code to create a special Pokémon Challenge in the Pokémon National Zukan Pro (ポケモン全国図鑑Pro). The challenge created by the code consists of 20 non-timed questions of all varities, and completing this challenge unlocks the Zukan pages for Meloetta (Voice Forme) (メロエッタ (ボイスフォルム) and Meloetta (Step Forme) (メロエッタ (ステップフォルム).

The code to create this challenge is RGFOAUTF