Home / Characters / Drake's Venusaur/ユウジのフシギバナ/Yuji's Fushigibana

Drake's Venusaur

Character Names
  • English / United States: Drake's Venusaur
  • Japanese / Japan: ユウジのフシギバナ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Yūji no Fushigibana
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Yuji's Fushigibana
Voice Actors

Orange League Final - Vs. Ash Ketchum (Sand Field)

With Drake losing his third Pokémon there was a short interval whilst the battle field change into a sandy field.

The interval ended and Drake began by choosing Venusaur whilst Ash brought Tauros back into the battle who had now recovered from Gengar's Confuse Ray. Ash's first move was to have Tauros stamp its feet to use Fissure, however, the soft sand absorbed the move. Drake took advantage of the situation by having Venusaur use Solarbeam but knowing Solarbeam takes a while to charge up, Ash have Tauros charge straight towards Drake's Venusaur and flip it into the air just before it fired. Venusaur managed to adjust itself mid-air and fire the Solarbeam at Tauros. The impact was close to Tauros and knocked it down but it managed to recover and get back to its feet quickly.

Venusaur struck Tauros with one of its Vine Whip attacks but Tauros manage to avoid any further strikes and successfully land a Take Down move on Venusaur and eliminate it from the battle.