Home / Content DB / Pokémon Conquest (ポケモン+ノブナガの野望)

Game Details:

Developer: Tecmo Koei
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Release Date(s): March 17, 2012 (JPN), June 18th, 2012 (USA), July 27th, 2012 (EUR)
Mode(s): Single Player, Mulitplayer Wi-Fi/Internet
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), ESRB: E (USA), PEGI: 3 (EUR)
Controller(s): Nintendo DS
Extra Contents: Conquest Main Page, Characters, Wi-Fi Episodes and Events, Pokémon Unlock Passwords


Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition (ポケモン+ノブナガの野望) is mix of the two gaming series: Pokémon and Nobunaga's Ambition. The game was first revealed at the Jump Festa 2012 (ジャンプフェスタ2012) event which was held on December 17th and 18th, 2011 where they had a full booth setup to showcase the teaser trailer, artwork from the game and screenshots. The February 2012 issue of CoroCoro announced the official release date of the game in Japan as March 17th, 2012.



The game takes place in the Ransei Region (ランセ地方), a new region that debuted with this game. "Officers" (ブショー), people possessing specials bonds with Pokémon, fight over supreme control of the 17 provinces that make up the region. The protagonist, as the officer leader of Hajime Province, egages in Combat against the many strong leaders, led by Nobunaga, who seek to cause the downfall of Ranse.

Many armies are placed throughout the 17 provinces of Ranse, fighting over their castles. Furthermore, each of the 17 province is deeply tied to a single Pokémon type, Hajime Province having strong ties to the Normal Type.

In this unique turn-based strategy game, play as a Warlord and build a bond with your Pokémon in order to become more powerful and intimidate your foes! Battle other Warriors and Warlords—and their Pokémon—to conquer all before you and unite the vast Ransei region!

Perfect Link: Players will have the ability to link to Pokémon they encounter as they conquer the Ransei region. There are three possible grades when players attempt to link with Pokémon: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The medal over a Pokémon will indicate which link level can be achieved. If a player links with a Gold medal Pokémon, that link could potentially be a Perfect Link. A Perfect Link will allow the player to link with that particular Pokémon up to 100 percent. The higher the link percentage, the more powerful the Pokémon becomes.

Pokémon Evolution: Players familiar with Pokémon video games will be excited to learn that Pokémon in Pokémon Conquest have the ability to evolve into more powerful forms. To evolve Pokémon, players must use them in battle to increase the link percentage between the Pokémon and the Warriors to which they are linked. As the link grows stronger, Pokémon will evolve into more powerful forms. Additionally, certain items collected in the game will evolve Pokémon. For example, using a Thunder Stone on Eevee will evolve it into Jolteon.

Warlord Transition: In Pokémon Conquest, Warlords can also transition into more powerful forms. Only Warlords have the ability to transition; Warriors do not. Similar to the way Pokémon evolve, Warlord transitions are based on how much a player uses them in battle. After a Warlord transitions, its stats and skills will become more powerful, and the Warlord will also have a new appearance.

Pokémon Passwords: Players will have the ability to enter passwords that create an outbreak of specific Pokémon. This outbreak will appear for one game turn in a training ground somewhere within the player's kingdom. The special passwords will give the player the ability to link with powerful or hard-to-find Pokémon early in the game. Pokémon unlocked this way will give players the ability to bolster their army, and give players more options when going into battle. Be sure to be on the lookout for Pokémon passwords when the game is released on June 18.

Story Episodes and Episode Distribution: The story for Pokémon Conquest is divided into episodes. As players explore and conquer the Ransei region by playing through each episode, they are able to experience different story elements and game-play goals. For example, in the episode starring Warlord Motonari, players must collect 100 Pokémon in order to achieve victory. Additional episodes are available to players after playing through the first episode of the game, and others will be available for download over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection after the game's launch on June 18 (broadband Internet access required).


  • Wi-Fi and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection multiplayer options to allow players to battle against their friends.
  • The game features an all new system for Pokémon battles, known as "Combat" (イクサ).
  • A nod to the classic game NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION, Pokémon Conquest takes Pokémon video games to an all-new level!
  • It's a new way to play Pokémon in a land filled with Warriors and Pokémon and the ties that bind them together.
  • The main action of the game takes place on the battlefield where Pokémon fight in a turn-based, tactical battle system.
  • Be a Warlord, and control your Pokémon in battle! As a Warlord, you command other Warriors and their Pokémon in your army.
  • All Warriors have a special ability they can use to help their Pokémon in battle, but Warriors are there to command the Pokémon on the field of battle. It is their Pokémon that move, fight, attack on the field of battle.
  • Recruit Warlords and Warriors by defeating them in a unique battle system never seen in a Pokémon game. As you acquire castles, new Pokémon, Warlords, and Warriors become available as well as new ways to train them.
  • When battles are won, you take control of the new castle, recruit Warriors from that kingdom, and gain access to new Pokémon.


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Last updated 09 Jul 2012 20:55 by Sunain.
Revision #16
Page Tags: Nintendo DS Games