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The forums are used for the more dialog oriented conversations on the site. Users can also post images on the Imageboard and link to it in a forum thread if needed. One of the nice features of the forum is that it integrates with many other comment areas throughout the site. Users can post from various locations on the site and the posts all end up in the same thread. Bots also generate new threads when new news and episodes are added to the sites database, so be aware of this when creating threads so you don't end up creating a duplicate thread.

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Anime Discussion

Threads: 208 Posts: 884
Go here to discuss all the latest news from the Pocket Monsters anime series, including any foreign dubbed versions. Watch out for automatically created threads; the bot adds them any time we add an episode title!
Latest post 26 Jul 2024 06:54:11 PM by AnimeBot in GNS 9:眠くなると手が温かくなるのはなぜ?/Why do your hands get warm...

News/Current Events

Threads: 5895 Posts: 10890
This is where articles that relate to our news items/current happenings in the pokemon world will be posted!
Latest post 26 Jul 2024 04:03:33 PM by ForumBot in Pokémon Trading Card Game - Foil Eievui Campaign

Games Discussion

Threads: 3 Posts: 16
Discuss the various games that have been released over a variety of gaming systems!
Latest post 12 Mar 2014 04:00:17 PM by Sunain in The Pokémon MMORPG Proposal: The Game Nintendo and...

Merchandise Discussion

Threads: 3 Posts: 6
Discuss the various different kinds of Pokémon merchandise!
Latest post 25 Jan 2015 12:55:27 AM by tokedaman in Yakult Pokemon Calendar 2015


Threads: 14 Posts: 26
The Pokémon Trading Card game is one of the most popular tabletop games on the market! Discuss the various aspects of the game. Card information is available in the TCG Dex.
Latest post 20 May 2015 11:57:33 PM by Sunain in XY Primal Clash

Site Discussion

Threads: 24 Posts: 87
Discuss the various aspects of PocketMonsters.net! Annoucements, Suggestions, New Feature Additions and more is discussed here!
Latest post 19 Oct 2018 02:39:52 PM by Sunain in PocketMonsters.net Version 5 Suggestion/Changes

Live Action Series

Threads: 7 Posts: 25