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Media Information

ポケモン de イングリッシュ! ●3巻セットBOX●

  • Pokémon de English! 3 Volume Box Set
Main Image


Audio Tracks:   English Japanese
Publisher:  ShoPro, Media Factory
Catalog #:  SPD-0601~3
Release Date:  2007-10-25
Aspect Ratio:  4:3
Region Code:  
Video Format:  NTSC
Storage Medium:  DVD5
Closed Captions?:  Yes
Rental Only?:  No
Price:  2,079円 (Per Disc)


Released sometime in 2007, this is a presumably retail box set release of the Pokémon de English! home video series, first released in 2002 on VHS.

The same 3 disc set with different Media Factory catalogue numbers was released the same year as this, but for the rental market as 3 individual DVD's.
This release uses ShoPro's own in-house catalogue numbers, which seemingly have only been used once for any of the franchises home video releases. It's not clear how this was sold, be it in stores or through mail order, but each DVD has their own individual price of 2,079円 (after tax), suggesting it was available to purchase in some way.

Information about this set is tricky to come by, with there seemingly being little to no surviving information from the publisher about this release. The rental version of this release was listed on the Media Factory website around the time they were first released, however this box set was not. Fan sites and other resources documenting home media for the series also does not seem to mention this release anywhere.

ネイティブによる、ナチュラルスピードの英語で、楽しくお勉強! 1.あいさつ●はじめに(日本語) ●はじめまして!/HI,PIKACHU! ●自己紹介/MY NAME IS… ●がんばれ!ニャースのABC ●おはよう! こんにちは! こんばんは! おやすみ! ●Pokémon ABC SONG〉他2.かず・いろ●はじめに(日本語) 他3.のりもの・たべもの ●はじめに(日本語) ●どの くだものが好き? ●ピカチュウ&ニャース「りんごをたべよう!」 ●グレープフルーツどろぼう!? ●がんばれ!ニャースのABC ●PokéRAP のりもの編 他 英語版アニメ1話収録 『A Tent Situation』他 セット内容 DVD3巻組
