PocketMonsters.net is a fansite dedicated to all things Pokémon (ポケモン) and Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター). We are the premier site for news and information about all aspects of the franchise from around the world. We cover the Anime, indexing the music, the Trading Card Game, the Games, the variety shows, have a large imageboard, forum and much more. Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our RSS Feed for the latest updates!
Dusknoir (Stormfront, 1/100) is a Psychic-type Stage 2 Pokémon that is designed to give players a lot of options. Its Shadow Command Poké-Power allows you to draw 2 cards. If you have 7 or more cards in your hand, you have to discard until you have 6 cards and then put 2 damage counters on Dusknoir...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Find Pikachu! Route 202! / Robert's Version Up Quiz (ピカチュウをさがせ!202番道路!」 ロバートの「バージョンアップクイズ), aired on Sunday in Japan. This weeks Pokémon Revival episode is ピカチュウをさがせ!202番道路! (Find Pikachu! Route 202!) which is the second episode of Diamond & Pearl. Hikari e...
Powerful Pokémon like the mysterious Genetic Pokémon Mewtwo will battle at the highest levels with this specially designed Pokémon Trading Card Game: Level-Up Collector’s Tin. Each one contains 1 of 2 amazing Pokémon LV.X, Mewtwo or the Drill Pokémon Rhyperior, that will rise to challenge the other!...
The official Diamond and Pearl anime website has announced that there will be a new opening theme song and a new ending theme song which will begin airing on October 2nd during the Ginga-dan special. The opening song will replace 'Together' which has been the opening theme since the series began in ...
The latest Pocket Monsters game was released in Japan on September 13th, and according to Famitsu's website, it sold 967,675 copies the first two days it was on sale. Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl had a combined sales of 1.58 million units during their debut week of September 28 through October ...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Setting Off! From Futaba Town to Masago Town! / Pocket Monsters Platinum Special Report (旅立ち!フタバタウンからマサゴタウンへ!ポケットモンスター プラチナ大特集), aired on Sunday in Japan. This weeks Pokémon Revival episode is Setting Off! From Futaba Town to Masago Town! (旅立ち!フタバタウンからマサゴタウ...
It was announced today on the official Minna no Pokémon Bokujō (My Pokémon Ranch) website that a Pocket Monsters Platinum compatibility update will be available by the end of the year. No set release date was announced. Those that have the game already will be able to download the update for free...
Information on the latest Japanese TCG expansion 'Galactic Conquest' (ギンガの覇道) has been announced on the official website. Booster packs will sell for 315 yen a piece, and an entry pack which is recommended for novice players will sell for 2000 yen. The entry pack will include Giratina, Dialga, and P...
The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond&Pearl, Dancing Gym Leader! Melissa Appears! (踊るジムリーダー!メリッサ登場!!), aired on Thursday in Japan. On their journey, Satoshi and his friends encounter Nozomi and Melissa in the midst of a battle. Will Nozomi defeat Melissa and will Satoshi challenge Meliss...
Pokémon Platinum (Japanese: ポケットモンスター プラチナ Pocket Monsters Platina) is the next game in the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl series. The game will be available for purchase in Japan on September 13, 2008. The game will feature Giratina as its mascot and introduce its Origin Forme , as seen in the 11th Movi...
The Pokémon TCG: Diamond & Pearl Stormfront expansion was released on November 5th, 2008. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread. Diamond & Pearl Stormfront A turbulent force is approaching, and it’s on a collision course with everything you thought you ...
Pokémon Sunday showed a preview screenshot of Pocket Monsters Platinum from next weeks episodewhich indicates that the Sinnoh Dex will expand by an additional 59 Pokémon. Known new Sinnoh Dex numbers include: Glalie at #207, Froslass at #208, at Giratina at #210. It can also be assumed that Snor...