Home / News Articles / Junichi Masuda Reveals Origins of N and Ghetsis on Director's Columns
Junichi Masuda has been more active lately revealing details about the current 5th generation games Pokémon Black and White on his GameFreak Director's Columns and his recently announced Twitter feed. Below is some of the information he revealed about N and Ghetsis.


Ghetsis is the one of the Seven Sages and is part of Team Plasma. His name is based off a G/C sharp Tritone, a musical interval that spans three whole tones. The musical note G, pronounce “Ghe” in German (written “G”) and the musical note C sharp, pronounce “tsis” in German (written “Cis”) is a tricode chord and the basis of Ghetsis name.


He is the leader of Team Plasma, the main antagonist in Pokémon Black and White and was raised by Ghetsis. Below are the points in order that Mr. Masuda posted on the Japanese blog portion of the Director's Columns.
  • N's name is actually Natural Harmonia Gropius (ナチュラル・ハルモニア・グロピウス)
  • The "N" part of his name comes from the natural number mathematical term.
  • N has a IQ higher than most humans.
  • He is a genius at math
  • He is quick-witted and has intense emotional changes.
  • N can perceive a person's past and future.
  • N's true parents are unknown but it is rumored that he was born by Pokémon.
  • He loves Pokémon and avoids humans.
  • N regards himself as being perfect.
  • N always puts Pokémon first.
  • As N is feared by humans, his connection is strong with Pokémon.

Sources: http://www.gamefreak.co.jp/blog/dir_english/?p=455 and http://www.gamefreak.co.jp/blog/dir/?p=539
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