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Artists: Michael Kaneko
Catalog #: 1698968920
Release Date: 2023-08-02
Media Type: Digital
Discs/Tracks: 1 track
Price/MSRP: ¥250
Runtime: 03:44
Composer: Michael Kaneko
Arranger: Michael Kaneko
Producer: Michael Kaneko
Lyrics: Michael Kaneko
Studio: Universal Music LLC
Mixer: Masato Fujishiro


The Pokémon Music Collective is a music project where various artists create and release music based on the sounds of the Pokémon games. The third single of the collection is by Michael Kaneko and was released on August 2nd, 2023. It is titled 1999. The song was named "1999" after the year when Michael Kaneko, who spent his childhood overseas, first played the Pokémon video game series.

It was available digitally on: iTunes, Mora, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube and Soundcloud.
Track Listing
Track # Title Length
1 1999 [Lyrics]