Home / Characters / Bucky's Caterpie/キイチのキャタピー/Kiichi's Caterpie

Bucky's Caterpie

Character Names
  • English / United States: Bucky's Caterpie
  • Japanese / Japan: キイチのキャタピー
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Kiichi no Caterpie
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Kiichi's Caterpie
Bucky's Caterpie went in a race with all the other children's Dunsparce, but it couldn't keep up with them. Caterpie was sent out to capture Dunsparce after it appeared again when Team Rocket was defeated. Bucky's Caterpie used Tackle to weaken Dunsparce in order for Bucky to capture it.