Home / Characters / 草野絵里花/Erika Kusano

Erika Kusano

Character Names
  • Japanese / Japan: 草野絵里花
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Erika Kusano
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Erika Kusano
Voice Actors
Erika Kusano is a young popular actress and model that Yuki Koide admitted he was a fan of. She is a vegan. She has a big-time ego but she was asked by ADventure to be the advertising model for the Tama Department Store's 2023 Summer Campaign. After Yuki Koide confronted her about being amateurish for not liking the outfit, she agreed to do the photoshoot.

Her name is based off of the Gym Leader Erika and being vegan also ties in with Erika's Grass-type Pokémon specialization.