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16 Apr 2021 11:25 AM
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The Re-Ment - Pocket Monsters SWING VIGNETTE Collection are Pokémon figures that are stylish and perfect for interior decoration. They can be hung on the hooked base to recreate the look of Pokémon flying or floating in the sky! The were released in Japan on April 19th, 2021 for 990 yen each. High resolution images of the figures have been added to an Imageboard thread.


Product Details:

Price: 990 yen (900 yen without tax)
Place of sale: Toy and general merchandise stores, etc.
Release date: April 19, 2021
Product: Figure + Gum (1 piece)
Package: Box: 130 (H) x 70 (W) x 70 (D) mm


1. Pikachu and Butterfree
2. Lizardon
3. Flygon
4. Chandela
5. Mimikyu and Fuwante
6. Mew

Sources: https://www.pokemon.co.jp/goods/2021/04/210416_go02.html and https://www.re-ment.co.jp/product/r20607