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PokéPark: Pikachu's Great Adventure - Tentative Release Date July 30th, 2010

The gaming forum Neogaf has posted a thread regarding the upcoming Nintendo releases for the second half of 2010. Waldmeier AG, the Swiss distributor of Nintendo products has indicated that PokéPark: Pikachu's Great Adventure will be released there on July 30th, 2010. Nintendo has yet to officially ...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 175

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 175 - Manmoo, Pachirisu! Finish it with Ice Chandelier!! (マンムー、バチリス!決めろ氷のシャンデリア!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. The Sinnoh Grand Festival is continuing at the Lakeside Resort and Hikari prepares to face Urara in the Contest Battle round. Urara ...

Winner's Path PokéWalker Course

Train like a champion with the Winner's Path Route, available only via a special Nintendo Wi-Fi connection distribution event! The Winner's Path Route is chock full of extraordinary Pokémon anditem for you to find. You might come across as Munchlax that knows the Selfdestruct attack and useful items...

Pokémon Sunday 289

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Pikachu's Entering the Rocket Gang!? / Professor Akido's Experiment 'Can People Take on Other Forms like Zoroark does!?' / Director Shoko-tan's Television Viewer Battle Debut! (ピカチュウ、ロケット団に入る!? / アーキド博士の実験「人間もゾロアークのように化けることができるのか?」 / しょこたん部長が視聴者バトルに登場!), aired t...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 174

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 174 - The Grand Festival Begins! The Art of Flame and Ice!! (グランドフェスティバル開幕! 炎と氷のアート!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. The Sinnoh Grand Festival has begun at the Lakeside Resort and Hikari prepares to participate in the Appeal round. All of her ri...

Pokémon Adventures Volumes 9 and 10 as well as Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! Vol. 8 Announced

Information about the upcoming manga volumes for Pokémon Adventures Volumes 9 and 10 as well as Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! Vol. 8 has been posted on SimonandSchuster.com. The volumes will be released later this year. Below is the available information that was posted on the site. ...

Pokémon Sunday 288

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, The Forest of Kimori! Protect the Giant Tree!! / Grand Festival Anticipation Cosplay! (キモリの森!巨大樹を守れ!! / グランドフェスティバルをなりきり大予想!), aired today in Japan. This week featured the continuation of the rerun theme 'New friends! Get Pokémon!' and The Forest of Kimori! P...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 173

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 173 - Metamon Transform Battle! Which One~ is it that's Real!? (メタモン・へんしんバトル!本物はドッチ~ニョ!?) aired on Thursday in Japan. While on route to the Lakeside Resort for the Sinnoh Grand Festival, Hikari and Satoshi encounter two Metamon's that cause tr...

Pokémon Sunday 287

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Sonansu and the Pokémon Trade Meet!! / A Report on 'Alternate Colorations' around the World / Information on the New Games Part 2 (ソーナンスとポケモンこうかんかい!! / 世の中の“色違い”を大特集 / 新作ゲーム情報第2弾!), aired today in Japan. This week featured the continuation of the rerun theme ...

Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light Updates

With the release of the two latest Wi-Fi missions Giratina's Platinum Orb!! (ギラティナにはっきんだまを!!) and The Pledge to Arceus (アルセウスへのちかい) for Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light (ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡) on April 15th, 2010, various sections have been updated to include information from the missions. We have also ad...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 172

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 172 - Togekiss! A Battle of Splendor!! (トゲキッス! 華麗なるバトル!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. While on route to the the Lakeside Resort for the Sinnoh Grand Festival, Hikari and Satoshi come upon a wide open field and decide to train their Pokémon. Ro...

Official Pokémon Black and White Site Updated - Screenshots Added

As announced last week when the official Pokémon Black and White site was launched, the website has updated and has posted 6 high quality screenshots that were featured in this months issue of Coro Coro. The images feature: the new camera angle, Zorua (ゾロア) and Zoroark (ゾロアーク) sprites and the new P...

May 2010 Coro Coro Scans reveal Movie Download Pokémon Information

The latest Coro Coro issue has revealed information about the upcoming Movie 13 - The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark (幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク) pre-order ticket downloads. An alternate colored Entei, Suicune and Raikou will be available for download from June 18th, 2010 to August 31st, 2010, but pre-order ticket hol...

Pokémon Sunday 286

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Stray Pokémon Hitokage / New Shocking Pokémon Production Announcement / A Card Battle with Sandwichman (はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ / ポケモン新作衝撃発表 / サンドウィッチマンとカードバトル), aired today in Japan. This week featured the continuation of the rerun theme 'New friends! Get Pokémon!' and...

Sukima Switch to sing 'Ice Cream Syndrome' for Movie 13

The official Pocket Monsters Movie 13 website has announced that Sukima Switch will sing the ending theme for the upcoming movie, The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark (幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク). The theme is titled Ice Cream Syndrome (アイスクリーム シンドローム) and director requested that the song be a "medium tempo love song". ...

Pokémon Black and White Announced

The official Japanese website has announced Pokémon Black and White (ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト) for the Nintendo DS. The 5th Generation games will be released later this year. More information about the games will be released later this week. Discuss this news on the forum: http://www.pocketmonste...

Pokémon Sunday 285

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Pokémon! I Choose You! / Aiming for a New PokéSun Record / Group Member Akiyama challenged to a Multi-Battle! (ポケモン!きみにきめた!/ めざせポケサン新記録 / 秋山隊員とマルチバトルに挑む!), aired today in Japan. This week featured a new rerun theme 'New friends! Get Pokémon!' and Pokémon! I C...

Pokémon TV Anime Collection DVD Get! Get! Get! Volumes Announced

Another 8 DVD set has been announced for release in Japan that features: Getting Contest Ribbons, Getting Gym Badges and Getting Pokémon. The Pokémon TV Anime Collection DVD Get! Get! Get! (ポケモンTVアニメコレクションDVD ~ゲット!ゲット!ゲット!) volumes feature one episode per mini DVD like the previous sets with episode...

Pokemon.co.jp and GAME FREAK Websites Launch Redesigns

The official Japanese Pokémon website has launched its redesigned site and is now live. GAME FREAK has also launched a redesigned website. Earlier this year, the official English Pokémon website launched a redesigned site as well. The Pokemon.co.jp website now features a globalized header with s...

Diamond and Pearl 170 / 171

The latest episodes of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 170 - Elite Four Kikuno! Kabarudon VS Dodaitose!! (四天王キクノ!カバルドンVSドダイトス!!) and Diamond & Pearl 171 - Togekiss Dances! The Princess' Pokémon Contest!! (トゲキッス舞う!王女さまのポケモンコンテスト!!) aired on Thursday in Japan as part of a 1 hour special. Diamond &...