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PocketMonsters.net is a fansite dedicated to all things Pokémon (ポケモン) and Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター). We are the premier site for news and information about all aspects of the franchise from around the world. We cover the Anime, indexing the music, the Trading Card Game, the Games, the variety shows, have a large imageboard, forum and much more. Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our RSS Feed for the latest updates!

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Staff Birthdays for 2025-02-06
Happy birthday to the following staff! Check out staff biographies in our Staff Database.
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure Vol 2 Announced

Set in the country Sinnoh, the story follows the adventures of Hareta, a young boy raised in the wild with Pokemon. Recruited by Prof. Rowan, he decides to become a Pokemon trainer after catching his first tame one, Piplup. He and the Professor's assistant, Mitsumi, set off on a quest to find Dialga...

Pokemon Puzzle League coming to Wii VC

Pokemon Puzzle League will be released on the Wii's Virtual Console shop in the US on May 5th. Pokemon Puzzle League is a puzzle game for the Nintendo 64 console. It is based on the popular puzzle game Panel de Pon, but with Pokemon likeness. This game was the first Pokemon game produced for release...

Pokemon TFG: Groundbreakers Expansion Announced for Fall 2008

The 2008 Game Manufacturers Association Trade Show is now underway in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Pokemon USA, Inc., is treating show attendees to the hottest news about both the Pokemon TCG and the Pokemon TFG. Pokemon USA announced a new expansion to the TCG, Groundbreakers.The Pokemon TFG: Groundbreak...

Pocket Monsters ANA 4 - Pikachu's Exploration Club Screenshots

The original ANA Short "Pikachu's Exploration Club" shown in August 2007 on limited ANA domestic flights was released on DVD today in Japan for the suggested retail price of 2500 yen (including tax). The catalog number for the DVD is ZMBS-958 and has a total running time of about 45 minutes.The shor...

Darkrai to be Distributed at Toys R Us in the United States

The official Pokemon website has finally announced that Darkrai will be exclusively distributed for free at Toys R Us on May 31st and June 1st from noon to 4pm. Be sure that you have a copy of the USA version of Pokemon Diamond or Pearl.To find a Toys R Us location near you, use their store locator ...

Pokemon Issues Apology for Canceling TCG Events in Japan

As we reported last week, a blackmail letter threatening to disrupt a Pokemon TCG event in Japan has led the organizers to cancel several other events. Scheduled events on April 20th and April 29th have been canceled. Pokemon posted its sincere apology for having to cancel the events, and asked peop...

Pokemon Ranger! The Wave-Guiding Riolu!! DVD Announced

Pokemon Ranger! The Wave-Guiding Riolu!! is the 71st and 72nd episodes of Diamond & Pearl. They aired in Japan as a part of a one-hour special on March 20, 2008, the day that Pokemon Ranger Batonnage was released. A DVD containing these episodes was announced today and will be released by Media Fact...

Guest Voice Actors for Pocket Monsters Movie 11 Announced

Some of the Voice Actors for Pocket Monsters Movie 11 have been announced. This years movie will have more guest voice actors and they will be announced at a later date.The genius scholar Mugen who is researching the reversing world, will be voiced by Koichi Yamadera, who will be making his 11th app...

Movesets revealed for Promotional Sheimi and Regigigas

The Theater Edition of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Sheimi will be released on July 19, 2008 in Japan. As we announced last month, advanced ticket holders have the chance to get a Level 100 Regigigas. Regigigas is a Pokemon introduced in Generation IV that ...

Pokemon TCG Events Canceled due to Blackmail Threat

A blackmail letter threatening to disrupt an event featuring the popular Pokemon character has led its organizer to cancel several shows, officials at Pokemon Company said.The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) has started investigating the case on suspicion of forcible obstruction of business."We...

Kaze no Message CD Artwork Revealed

On May 28th, Pikachu Records will release the first Pokemon CD of 2008, Kaze no Message, with a limited-edition CD release and a CD/DVD release. Below is a track listing. The track list is not finalized.Track 1 - Kaze no Message (Message of the Wind)Track 2 - Konoyubitomare (Follow Me)Track 3 - Poke...

Nintendo and Pokemon USA Take on TCG Counterfeiters

Nintendo and Pokemon USA have just concluded a campaign to stop card counterfeiters in what is apparently a multi-million dollar industry counterfeiting Pokemon trading cards. On March 26, law enforcement officials in New York raided seven stores known to be selling fraudulent Pokemon Trading Card G...