Home / Characters / Drake's Onix/ユウジのイワーク/Yuji's Iwark

Drake's Onix

Character Names
  • English / United States: Drake's Onix
  • Japanese / Japan: ユウジのイワーク
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Yūji no Iwark
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Yuji's Iwark

Orange League Final - Vs. Ash Ketchum (Rocky Field)

Pikachu had given Ash the advantage by defeating Drake's Ditto but was very Tired. Drake selected Onix and Ash recalls an exhausted Pikachu to be replaced by Squirtle. Ash makes the first move and has Squirtle use Water Gun, but, before it can connect Drake has his onix use Dig and it goes underground. Squirtle headed towards the water pool in the middle of the arena but Onix emerged just before it reached it and then managed to trap Squirtle in Wrap.

Squirtle struggled to get free but the Wrap was too strong, however, Ash managed to get Squirtle to use Hydro Pump which managed to strike Onix and release Squirtle from the Wrap attack. Squirtle used Skull Bash on the Onix and eliminated Drake's second Pokémon in the battle.