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20 Jul 2020 05:15 PM
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The winners of the second Pokémon Card Game Illustration Grand Prix have been announced by Creatures. This year's theme was "Cool Pokémon Moments". The grand prize winner Jiro and his Lizardon illustration will be made into a promo card which will be released in Japan.

Jiro (次郎 さん) - Grand Prize Winner's comments


I am so happy to receive such a wonderful award! I'm sure many of you have the same memories, but Lizardon was the first Pokémon I chose when I was a child, and it's my favorite Pokémon and I'm very attached to it. I had a lot of fun drawing it, wondering how I could express the coolness of the Lizardon that I imagined as a child, looking up at it and the tension of the battle, while remembering how dependable it always was.

Judges Comments:
The air around Lizardon, the way the flames flow through the air around Lizardon, the way the flames flow at the end of its tail, and the way the dust dances around its feet is amazing. I love the shadows that fall on the stadium, the color choices of the clouds, and the space and air that can be felt in the illustration. Lizardon's are often depicted in intense illustrations, but this one is still and gives us a sense of the intense battle to come.

The massive volume of the Lizardon and the tension just before the battle is beautifully expressed. While there were many dynamic entries, this work stands out for its elegant atmosphere. The way the composition is drawn and the detailing is also wonderful.

The scene of the Lizardon going into battle is depicted in a very cool manner. There is a high level of artistry in this illustration, with a variety of touches such as lighting, coloration, and the details.

San Kusunoki (楠木 燦) - 2D Illustration Award of Excellence - Winner's comment


Thank you very much for your selection. It's a great honor for me. I'm so happy that my favorite, Yowashi, was selected as one of the "Coolest Pokémon Moments". I will never forget this award, it's a lifetime memory and a treasure. I'll continue to work hard and strive to draw pictures that everyone can enjoy. Thank you again for the award.

Judges Comments:
Among the many entries of Yowashi, I thought this one was the most dramatic. The wall of water and the bottom of the water are painted with a rough touch, but I thought they matched the situation the Yowashi was in.

From the scratched appearance and facial expressions of Yowashi, it is a work that invites emotions and a story from a single image. I want to see what develops, perhaps it saves its friends in a pinch. The background is rough, but I think it captures the three-dimensional effect and transparency of the water.

The tears pouring out of its eyes and the wounds all over its body show how it overcame various hardships and it is depicted very well.

takuyoa - 3D Illustration Award of Excellence - Winner's comment


I love the illustrations of Pokémon that look alive on the cards and I thought that it would be fun if I could draw such a picture. I am very honored that the results have come to fruition and received this award. I have achieved one big goal, but I would like to continue to work hard.

Judges Comments:
I think this is one of those drawings that feels very much in motion, thanks to the staging of the torn cords and debris and the pose of the Genesect.

The creation of the picture with its depth caught my attention. The details of the Genesect itself is also made in a well-balanced scale. The shape is simple, but I felt that the texture is well expressed without looking off.

The blue lighting of the research facility in the background and the yellow light of the beam from Genesect really have contrasting color, and it is very cool.

Rianti Hidayat (ヒダヤト リアンティ) - Zacian - Judges Comment


The boldly placed slash trajectory and unique touches are stylish and very cool. It looks simple at first glance, but it captures its characteristics and has a solid level of perfection that can only be achieved by the way it's drawn to place less emphasis on the paws.

Kani Shirasu (白砂かに) - Milokaross - Judges Comment


Milokaross staring at its opponent in a beautiful blue landscape is a fascinating image. By carefully framing the scene and painting the background, the viewer is able to feel the size and presence of Milokaross.

Suzuki Iori (スズキイオリ) - Bangiras - Judges Comment


It is an illustration with a unique taste. There is a skillful way of not making it look rough while still retaining the powerful touch of the brushstrokes.

Nozuru (ノズル) - Pikachu - Judges Comment


The red color is used effectively as an accent color, which is not common in a Pikachu image, and the illustration is very stylish.

Yuhi Hukumoto (雉本 ユーヒ) - Lizardon - Judges Comment


The three-dimensional feel and charming expression makes you want to touch the soles of its feet. There are interesting touches that shows off its personality, with details such as the shading effect of Lizardon's wings, and more.

Source: https://www.creatures.co.jp/igp2/prize-winners/
Last edited 20 Jul 2020 05:22 PM by Sunain