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Information on new characters and cast members of the new series of the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke"), which will be broadcast starting with a 1 hour special on April 14th, 2023 has been revealed.

The new characters are all members of the "Rising Volt Tacklers" led by Professor Friede: The machinery enthusiast Orio (voiced by Ayane Sakura) with her partner Metagross, the great cook Murdock (voiced by Kenta Miyake) with his partner Iwanko, the medical specialist Molly (voiced by Kei Shindo) with her partner Lucky, as well as Landau (voiced by Ikkyu Juku), who looks like a fisherman. The Rising Volt Tacklers use a blimp as their base when they go out on adventures.


YouTube Clip - Trailer for New Characters

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVqObKMFeUY

Press Release (Japanese):



続報は今後のテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」をご覧ください!夢と謎に満ち溢れた「ポケットモンスター」の世界を舞台に、リコとロイの新たな冒険が始まる! ふたりを待ち受ける出会い、そして運命とは!?是非この機会にご紹介のご検討を頂けますよう、お願い申し上げます。

Source: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000851.000002610.html

Gear up for adventure in this upcoming new animated Pokémon series! Introducing the new protagonists, Liko and Roy, as they set off on an exciting, action-packed journey! Artwork and pictures from the press release have been added to an Imageboard thread. Staff Bio pages for: Minori Suzuki (鈴木みのり) who plays Liko, Yuka Terasaki (寺崎裕香) who plays Roy and Taku Yashiro (八代拓) who plays Professor Friede have been updated.

YouTube Clip - Trailer for the Upcoming New Animated Pokémon Series

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAav4UAT7zk

YouTube Clip - Trailer for the Upcoming New Animated Pokémon Series (Japanese)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JYRKGNk-qQ

Press Release:

Information on the cast of the new series of the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke"), which will be broadcast starting with a 1 hour special on April 14th, has been revealed. The old protagonists Satoshi and Pikachu will be replaced with a new set of dual protagonists, where Minori Suzuki will be playing the role of Liko and Yuka Terasaki will be playing the role of Roy, while Taku Yashiro will play the Pokémon Professor Friede. Ikue Ohtani handles the voice of the current protagonist Satoshi's partner Pikachu, but will also be in charge of the new series' new character and Pokémon Professor Friede's partner Captain Pikachu. You can listen to their voices in the new trailer that just got released.

image image

A new promo image shows Liko, the Paldean girl with a mysterious pendant and Roy, the Kantonean boy with a mysterious monster ball, as well as Friede and Captain Pikachu, against a majestic sky, alongside all kinds of Pokémon from various regions, including Nyahoja from the video games "Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet".

The image also shows a boy standing next to the "Fire Swordsman Pokémon" Soublades, staring at Liko and Roy, as well as the alternately colored legendary Pokémon "Black Rayquaza", creating excitement for how these elements will play a part in Liko and Roy's adventure.

Suzuki is known as the voice of Hajime Fujiwara in the video game The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls and Freyja Wion in the anime series Macross Δ, Terasaki as the voice of Tenma Matsukaze in Inazuma Eleven GO and Kudelia Aina Bernstein in Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, and Yashiro as the voice of Tsubasa Kashiwagi in The Idolmaster SideM and Tatsuhisa "Luke" Kamijo in Yu-Gi-Oh Sevens.

Staff list:

Director: Saori Den (でんさおり)
Creative Director: Daiki Tomiyasu (冨安大貴)
Action Director: Tetsuo Yajima (矢嶋哲生)
Series Composition: Dai Sato (佐藤大)
Character Design: Rei Yamazaki (山崎玲愛)
Character Drafts: Ken Sugimori, Game Freak (杉森建)
Sub-Character Design: Kyoko Ito (伊藤京子)
Sound Director: Masafumi Mima (三間雅文)
Music: Conisch
Animation production: OLM

A comment from Minori Suzuki, the voice of Liko:

I first encountered Liko when I was given reference material for the audition, and I remember being filled with strong emotions the likes of which I had never felt before at that moment. I really wanted to go on an adventure with Liko, to take a step forward! I wanted to play this character so badly that it felt like our meeting here was meant to be. This is why I'm so very happy these people that created Pokémon with love and care entrusted this character to me.

Just like the Pokémon anime, I was born in 1997, so Pokémon has always been there as a natural part of my life. I hope this is how it will be for everyone around the world in the future as well. I will pour all my heart and soul into playing Liko. The Pokémon anime will continue to be the greatest thing ever, so please look forward to the new series!


【リコ役 鈴木みのりさんコメント】
オーディション資料を頂き、リコと出会った瞬間。絶対にリコと一緒に冒険の旅に出たい! 一歩を踏み出したい! と、感じた事のない熱い強い気持ちが込み上げてきたのを覚えています。この出会いは運命なんじゃないかと思えるくらい、何が何でも演じたいと思いました。だからこそ、ポケモンを愛し創り上げてきたスタッフの皆様に、こうしてリコを任せて頂いたことが、今はただとても幸せです。

私はアニポケと同じ1997年に生まれました。そして生まれてからずっと、当たり前の様にポケモンが傍に居ました。これからも世界中の皆様にとって、ポケモンがそうであるように。全身全霊をかけてリコを演じます。 今度のアニポケも、最高に素敵なものになっています。ぜひ楽しみにしていてください!

A comment from Yuka Terasaki, the voice of Roy:

I really treasure the three years I got to go on adventures with Satoshi and Pikachu when I played Corni in the "Pocket Monsters XY" TV series. It's precisely because of the passion for the show that I picked up from my seniors during those three years that I feel so much pressure and responsibility now that I've been given the role of one of the protagonists of this new series, so I'm going to approach the new series while embracing the love for the show that I saw and felt in my seniors back then.

I hope the children that will start watching the Pokémon anime from here on will think of Liko and Roy as their friends, and I promise to approach both the show and the role with everything I've got, doing my best to make it enjoyable for all so that existing fans will come to love Liko and Roy as well! Please join us as we start a new chapter of history.


【ロイ役 寺崎裕香さんコメント】


A comment from Taku Yashiro, the voice of Friede:

I still remember dreaming about going on an adventure with Pokémon back when I was watching the Pocket Monsters anime in grade school, so I was trembling with joy and surprise when I first learned I was getting the chance to be in my beloved show, one that's got so much history and is so loved all around the world now. I want to play the Friede character with whole-hearted devotion, not just so that children can experience such dreams, but so that adults that grew up together with the franchise can do so as well.


【フリード役 八代拓さんコメント】
小学生の時に、テレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」を観て、自分もポケモンと一緒に冒険したい! と夢見たことを今でも覚えています。これだけの歴史を積み重ねてきて世界中から愛され続けている大好きな作品に自分が出演できると知った時は、嬉しさと驚きで身震いしました。ポケモンの歴史と一緒に成長してきた大人はもちろん、かつての自分のように、胸いっぱいの夢を子供達に感じていただけるように、フリードというキャラクターを誠心誠意演じていきたいと思っています。

新シリーズ テレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」初回は4月14日(金)1時間スペシャルで放送スタート!


【最新情報①】 新シリーズ テレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」メインビジュアル公開 今回公開したメインビジュアルは、壮大な空を背に、リコとロイ、フリードとキャプテンピカチュウに加え、ゲーム『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット』で登場したニャオハをはじめ、各地方の様々なポケモンたちが描かれています。

また、「ひのけんしポケモン」のソウブレイズの傍らでリコとロイを見つめる少年は一体…? 伝説のポケモン・色違いの「黒いレックウザ」はリコとロイの冒険にどのように関わってくるのか、続報は今後のテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」をご覧ください!


【最新情報②】 キャラクター原案イラスト公開
さらに、リコ、ロイ、フリードの原案イラストも初公開! 3人を通して、不思議で広大なポケットモンスターの世界を皆さんにお届けします。

【最新情報③】 キャスト情報公開
 そして、リコ・ロイ・フリードたちメインキャラクターの声を務めるキャストも発表! リコ役・鈴木みのりさん、ロイ役・寺崎裕香さん、フリード役・八代拓さんのコメントが到着しました!

Source: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000846.000002610.html

New information has been revealed about the new series of the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke"), which will be broadcast starting April 14th, 2023. It features two new characters: Friede, the "Battling Pokémon Professor" who's good at Pokémon battles as well, and his partner Captain Pikachu.

Dual protagonists Liko and Roy end up meeting Pokémon Professor Friede, who dresses himself stylishly in goggles and a flight jacket. "Captain Pikachu", whose imposing facial expression and hat make for an impressive sight, will appear as his partner. Pictures where you can see various expressions of Friede and Captain Pikachu has been revealed as well.

image image

In addition, the TV anime Pocket Monsters Mezase Pokémon Master, which airs Fridays at 6:55 p.m. on TV Tokyo, has released episode titles and summaries for episodes 8, 9, 10, and 11, which will start airing from Friday, March 3rd, 2023.


What Juppeta Is Looking For!
Satoshi, Pikachu and the others have come to a town where strange phenomena have allegedly been occurring in various houses. In order to solve the mystery, the group searches one of the affected houses themselves, where they spot a Juppeta...! The Juppeta has been taking all kinds of objects from the houses it's broken into. What could its goal be?!


The Rocket Gang's Counterattack!
Delibird has come to Musashi, Kojiro, Nyarth and Sonansu from the Rocket Gang HQ to deliver the Pokémon the Rocket Gang got in all kinds of regions! Overjoyed at seeing their old companions again, they launch a plan for getting Pikachu that puts absolutely everything they have on the line.


Satoshi and Latios!
Latias once again appears before Satoshi and Pikachu, using its "Dream Projection" to show them Latios being attacked by Pokémon Hunters! In order to save Latios, Satoshi and Pikachu head out with Latias. Will they be able to rescue Latios?


The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!
When Satoshi and Pikachu return to Masara Town and reunite with Shigeru, he asks Satoshi the following question: "How close to becoming a Pokémon Master are you, now that you've become a Champion?" Becoming a Pokémon Master has been the dream Satoshi has been gunning for ever since he first set off on his journey with Pikachu. Will Satoshi be able to find the answer to this question?!

English Press Release:

Introducing Friede and His Partner, Captain Pikachu, from Next Animated Pokémon Adventure

Bellevue, Wash. — Feb. 24, 2023 — Today, The Pokémon Company group unveiled a new character named Friede and his partner Pokémon, Captain Pikachu, who will star in the recently revealed Pokémon animated series debuting around the world beginning in 2023.

Friede, a Pokémon Professor, and Captain Pikachu will assist and battle alongside the new series’ dual protagonists — Liko from the Paldea region and Roy from the Kanto region in the U.S. version of the show — on thrilling adventures across the Pokémon world while unraveling the mysteries of Liko’s pendant and Roy’s Poké Ball.

“As the Pokémon world expands and evolves, fans will be able to embark on a new journey of action, adventure and friendship through the eyes of unique characters like Friede and Captain Pikachu when the next animated series begins premiering later this year,” said Taito Okiura, vice president of marketing for The Pokémon Company International. “For 27 years, Pikachu has been synonymous with the Pokémon franchise, and we look forward to seeing this beloved Pokémon continue to have a significant presence in the animated series and remain an icon for the brand.”

More details regarding the upcoming Pokémon animated series will be announced in the future. In the meantime, fans can watch a new batch of episodes from “Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series” that premiered today exclusively on Netflix in the U.S. and feature some of the final moments of Ash and his Pikachu’s journey. The latest “Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series” trailer can be found on the official Pokémon YouTube channel.

Japanese Press Release:


リコとロイが出会うのは、ゴーグルとフライトジャケットを着こなすポケモン博士のフリード。そして凛々しい表情と帽子が印象的な“キャプテンピカチュウ”が彼の相棒として登場することが明らかになりました。さらに、フリードとキャプテンピカチュウの様々な表情が描かれたイラストも初公開! 新シリーズのさらなる情報は今後のテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」で発表しますので、是非ご注目ください!

さらに、テレビ東京系にて毎週金曜よる6時55分から放送中のテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター めざせポケモンマスター」は、3月3日(金)から放送する、第8話、第9話、第10話、第11話のサブタイトルと場面カットを公開しました!





サトシとピカチュウの物語の最終章を描いた「ポケットモンスター めざせポケモンマスター」も残り4話! 是非この機会に紹介のご検討を頂けますよう、お願い申し上げます。

Source: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000841.000002610.html

Some of the winners of the 17th Voice Actor Awards, which recognize the most memorable voice actors and works of the year in Japan, were announced on February 21st, 2023. The Kids Family Award, chosen from the perspective of children, went to Ikue Otani, who played Pikachu, and Rica Matsumoto, who played Satoshi in the Pocket Monsters anime series.

The 17th Voice Actor Awards is the biggest event in the world of voice acting, bringing together the most active, popular, and talented voice actors of the year, as well as veteran voice actors who have been active for many years. The actual award ceremony will take place on March 11th, 2023 and it will be the first time in 3 years that it will have live presentations.

Source: https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2268714/full/

New information has been revealed about the new series of the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke"), which will be broadcast starting April 14th, 2023. This will be a new series where the old protagonists Satoshi and Pikachu will be replaced. A new promo image featuring Roy, one of the dual protagonists, has been released as well.

In the picture you can see various expressions of Roy, who's being presented as "a boy with a mysterious monster ball". The other of the dual protagonists, the girl Liko, was presented as "a girl with a mysterious pendant".

The new series will feature new dreams and adventures set across the entire Pokémon world as the adventures of Liko and Roy unfold alongside lots of Pokémon, including the starter trio Nyahoja, Hogator and Kuwassu.

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Japanese Press Release:



Source: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000828.000002610.html

To celebrate 25 years since the initial release of Pokémon: The First Movie, MCM is hosting an English dub cast reunion during MCM Comic Con London May 2023. Join Veronica Taylor, Jay Goede, Eric Stuart & Rachael Lillis all weekend! Photo ops and autographs will be available. The ticket price range is from £18.33 to £62.50 for a weekend pass.

MCM Comic Con London May 2023

Time to get excited for the best weekend of the year! We can’t wait to welcome you back for an unforgettable three-day celebration of all things pop culture as MCM returns to ExCeL London 26-28 May 2023 for our first MCM Comic Con of the year!

Don’t miss out on the chance to meet your favourite film, gaming and anime stars. Embrace the joy of browsing art and comics from independent and mainstream creators. Dance in the sunshine at our MCM Fringe Stage. Battle your friends (or make new ones!) in tabletop tournaments and play the hottest console games around.

At MCM Comic Con, you’re free to be yourself and experience all the special little moments you don’t get anywhere else.

Sources: https://discord.com/channels/270410630496911361/270410630496911361/1068585588564971520 and https://www.showclix.com/event/mcm-comic-con-london-2023Ap6hn

The Pokémon Company International officially announced that a new batch of episodes from Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series will air on Netflix in the United States on February 24th, 2023. The series is already airing in Canada on Teletoon.


Featuring Ash and His Pikachu in Their Final Season, New Episodes to Debut in U.S. Exclusively on Netflix

Bellevue, Wash. — Jan. 24, 2023 — The Pokémon Company International announced a new batch of episodes from “Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series” will premiere Feb. 24, 2023, exclusively on Netflix in the U.S. The 25th season of the globally popular animation follows Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu, as well as Goh and Chloe, on their latest adventures in the Pokémon world.

“Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series” marks the final chapter for Ash and his Pikachu in the current Pokémon animated series, which will conclude with a collection of special episodes to commemorate their 25-season journey. For this final season of the iconic duo, Trainers can stay tuned to Netflix to join Ash and his Pikachu as they set off on their next action-packed adventure. Availability of additional batches of episodes, including the culmination of the series and the special collection of episodes sending off Ash Ketchum, will be announced at a later date for viewers in the U.S.

Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series” Part Two Synopsis:

Ash’s next World Coronation Series battle is against Drasna of the Kalos Elite Four, but first, he visits his friends Clemont and Bonnie! Then, Chloe meets another of Ash’s friends and enters a Pokémon Contest Spectacular with Eevee, and when Ash’s bond with Lucario reminds him of Greninja, he heads back to Kalos for some special training. Meanwhile, Goh faces his final trial missions for Project Mew, and a trek through the Crown Tundra results in a joyous reunion for Lillie’s family. As the Masters Eight Tournament draws near, Ash’s former rival Paul appears—and Ash is eager to battle!


To commemorate 25 years of the anime, a special episode called Pocket Monsters The Distant Blue Sky (ポケットモンスター 遥かなる⻘い空 ) is set to air on December 23rd, 2022 on TV Tokyo. The same production team from 1997 will be involved.


Satoshi and Pikachu continue their journey to become Pokémon Master. Satoshi has promised to meet his mother Hanako in Tonari Town, but Pikachu gets abducted by the Rocket Gang on the way, and as Satoshi seraches for it, he runs into a mysterious boy named Haruto. This is the story of one of Satoshi and Pikachu's encounters on their adventure.


Director: Kunihiko Yuyama (湯山邦彦)
Screenplay: Shōji Yonemura (米村正二)
Character Design: Sayuri Ichiishi (一石小百合)
Character Design: Shuhei Yasuda (安田周平)
Music: Shinji Miyazaki (宮崎慎ニ)
Animation: OLM

YouTube Clip - Pocket Monsters: The Distant Blue Sky Trailer

Source: https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pocketmonster/news/index.html#231988
Source: https://twitter.com/anipoke_PR/status/1603697694253678592

The Opening theme Mezase Pokemon Master -with my friends- (めざせポケモンマスター -with my friends-) will air as part of the Pocket Monsters: Aim to be a Pokémon Master (ポケットモンスター めざせポケモンマスター) mini-series that features 11 episodes and will air on TV Tokyo at 6:55 every Friday starting on January 13th, 2023.


Executive Director: Kunihiko Yuyama (湯山邦彦)
Director: Daiki Tomiyasu (冨安大貴)
Series Construction: Atsuhiro Tomioka (冨岡淳広)
Character Design: Shuhei Yasuda (安田周平)
Sound Director: Masafumi Mima (三間雅文)
Music: Yuki Hayashi (林ゆうき)


In April 1997, Satoshi and Pikachu set off from Masara Town into the world of "Pocket Monsters". And as Satoshi has been meeting and battling lots of companions, he's always aimed for one thing: To become the "Pokémon Master" of his dreams.

"Pocket Monsters: Mezase Pokémon Master", which premieres January 13th 2023, will depict Satoshi and Pikachu's adventure towards that distant dream across a planned total of 11 episodes. In addition to his former travelmates Kasumi and Takeshi, these episodes will also feature the Pokémon Satoshi formed strong bonds with and got in various regions, bringing even more excitement to this already thrilling and emotional adventure.

YouTube Clip - Pocket Monsters: Aim to be a Pokémon Master Trailer

Source: https://twitter.com/anipoke_PR/status/1603698448997310464
Source: https://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pocketmonster/news/index.html#231990

In April 2023, the curtain rises for new dreams and adventures set across the entire Pokémon world! The video that was revealed for the first time in the world today also announced the two new protagonists of this series, a young girl named Liko and a young boy named Roy, who also appear in the teaser poster.

The new series will see an adventure unfold alongside lots of Pokémon, including Nyahoja, Hogator and Kuwassu from the new Pocket Monsters games "Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet" for the Nintendo Switch. The alternately colored legendary Pokémon "Black Rayquaza" will appear as well... Please stay tuned for further news.

English Dub Summary

A brand-new Pokémon series has been announced! Join two new characters and three Paldea starter Pokémon as they adventure through the exciting world of Pokémon! Plus, commemorate Ash’s journey with a collection of special episodes concluding Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series. Coming soon in 2023 and beyond!

YouTube Clip - The New Pocket Monsters Series Trailer

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hM74TTHPUcM

YouTube Clip - An All-New Pokémon Series Is Coming (English Subbed)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_VMGv2kKEI


Fans Receive Early Look at All-New Episodic Animated Pokémon Adventure
Details Also Announced for Collection of Special Episodes Celebrating Ash Ketchum’s Journey Through the Years
Bellevue, Wash. — Dec. 16, 2022 — The Pokémon Company group announced a new Pokémon animated series that will follow a never-before-seen storyline and characters — including dual protagonists named Liko and Roy in the Japanese version of the series — as they set off on action-packed adventures across the Pokémon world.

The new series will premiere across markets in 2023 and beyond, and it will feature Paldea first partner Pokémon Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly from the Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet video games, as well as the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza in its Shiny form. Fans can look forward to unraveling the mysteries of the Pokémon world — from exciting Trainer battles to fun Pokémon encounters.

The upcoming story will debut after the current season of the Pokémon animation, “Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series,” which features Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu winning the Masters Eight Tournament of the Pokémon World Coronation Series.

Following Ash’s historic win as Pokémon World Champion — the culmination of his adventures spanning 25 seasons — fans can commemorate his storied journey with a collection of special episodes to conclude “Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series.” These episodes will feature fan-favorite Pokémon and characters, including Misty and Brock, and they will provide a glimpse at what the future may hold for the world’s strongest Trainer in this final chapter for Ash and his Pikachu.

The forthcoming special episodes not only celebrate Ash’s monumental achievement, but they also act as an expression of gratitude from Pokémon to all the fans who have joined him and his partner Pokémon Pikachu along the way. Fans can also look forward to what’s to come in the new animated series, which will represent everything they love about Pokémon animation, including action, adventure, friendship and Pokémon.

“Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series” is streaming now exclusively on Netflix in the U.S. Fans can check back with Netflix and The Pokémon Company International for information about new episode availability.

Source: https://press.pokemon.com/en/releases/POKEMON-REVEALS-NEW-ANIMATED-SERIES-AND-STORYLINE