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The World Hobby Fair 2011 began this week and the official Japanese Pokémon website has posted a report on the Pokémon specific events that have taken place at the Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan. The venue was packed and a large Pikachu balloon was visible throughout the stadium.


The Pokémon Smash's International Division girls, Misaki, Hana and Maria were all in attendance performing a live demonstration. The demonstration included: how to play the Pokémon Card Game, a Pokémon Quiz and a battle competition for Pokémon Black and White.


Also available at the World Hobby Fair 2011 was a special Zoroark distribution. Players that brought their Nintendo DS with Pokémon Black and White could receive the special Bark Out Zoroark before it is distributed on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in February.


Rica Matsumoto (松本梨香), the voice actor who play Satoshi in the Japanese animated series of Pocket Monsters, also made an appearance and had a live concert. She sang Best Wishes! (ベストウイッシュ!), the current opening theme for the Japanese Pocket Monsters anime, also called Best Wishes! (ベストウイッシュ!) as well as a medley of previous Pokémon songs.


Source: http://blog.pokemon-movie.jp/2009/2011/01/11_winter.html
Jan 10 2011 Pokémon Smash 14
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 14, Fushigidane's Mysterious Flower Garden / The TM Professor Teaches Zoroark a Move & A present from that Person Who Knows All Pokémon / Professor Red's Television Viewer Battle! (フシギダネのふしぎのはなぞの / ワザマシン教授がゾロアークに技を伝授&ポケモンのすべてを知っているあの人からプレゼント / 視聴者バトルにはレッド博士が登場!), aired on Sunday in Japan.

This was the first episode to air in 2011 and Golgo wants to know what some of the members expectations and resolutions for this year are. Yamamoto reveals a scroll to everyone which states: "Undefeated champion" (無敗の王者). Shoko-tan brings up the point that Yamamoto isn't undefeated anymore as he lost his Mijumaru, Chibipero (チビペロ) in a battle last year in a Pokémon Battle against 8 year old Oguro Reina-chan (小黒玲奈ちゃん). Yamamoto explains that it wasn't really a loss though as he received her Mijumaru in exchange, so he still has a Mijumaru.

Shoko-tan then reveals her own scroll that states: Pokémon and Hormone (ポケモンとホルモン) which confuses everyone. She is then asked to explain herself and she says that her banner statement is not a pun and that her New Year's resolution is to love Pokémon and Hormone(-yaki) with all her might. Hormone-yaki is broiled pieces of pig innards. Red then reveals his scroll which states: Nobel Prize this year (今年こそ ノーベル賞). Obviously Red has high expectations but Yamamoto notices that its signed 'Alfred' (アルフレッド) and he wonders if its correct. Yamamoto believes this is 'new evidence' (新事実) in determining Professor Alf'red's real name.

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Baba reveals his banner which states: Defeat Hiroshi Yamamoto (打倒 山本博). Baba states the obvious that he wants to reclaim his position as the champion. Baba tells them he's got his eyes on Yamamoto as he is the current champion and that one of their resolutions wouldn't be fullfiled this year as they conflict. Golgo goes next and reveals his banner which states: Good fortune and happiness will come to Poké (笑う門にはポケ来たる).

Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and Baba announces this weeks theme, Don't rely on force alone! (まわりの力をあてにしないでがんばろう!). This weeks rerun episode was Fushigidane's Mysterious Flower Garden (フシギダネのふしぎのはなぞの) from the original Japanese series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Red said the go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

The International Division girls arrive after the repeat episode and Hana greets everyone by saying "Happy New Year". Each of the girls also had a banner to reveal. Misaki was first and her banner stated: High School Graduation (高校卒業). As she is turning 18 this year, she will be finishing high school. Hana was next and her banner stated: Always Smile! (いつもSmile!). Maria's stated: Keep on working at kanji (漢字を頑張る). Still young, she is still learning many of the Japanese characters.

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Zoroark also had a banner which revealed stated: Learn a new move (あたらしいわざをおばえる). Robert decides that that will be willing to help and they 'reveal' its newly learned move, Sleep (ねむる). Baba states that it recovers HP. Professor Red though states that Zoroark already knows how to Sleep, so it didn't learn a new move. Robert decides they need to show off another 'new' move and this time Zoroark uses Leer (にらみつける) with a pair of modified glasses on but Red and Shoko quickly state it isn't really using that move. Finally Robert gets Zoroark to show off their final move they have prepared for it, Attract (メロメロ) but once again Professo Red isn't fooled by the fake hearts in Zoroark's eyes that were used to emulate a real Attract move. Maria gets mad at Robert for trying to fool them with fake moves. Golgo then tells them to go help Zoroark learn a new real move.

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Robert and Zoroark then head out to meet the TM Professor to see if they can get him to teach Zoroark a new move. The TM Professor pulls out what looks like a Record Player to Yamamoto from his bag. He pulls out an Agility (こうそくいどう) TM but Yamamoto thinks its just a record and wonders if TM Professor is actual a D.J. They hook Zoroark up to the TM machine, insert the TM and begin to teach it to it. When they try to get him to use Agility it becomes apparent that even though Zoroark learned the move, his Agility was a bit slow still as its side to side movements were a bit lacking. The TM Professor decides to enlist Baba to test out a theory to improve Agility's speed. He also gets the Rope Pull Game Team - Wai Wai Women of Tokyo (つな引きチーム ワイワイレディース東京のみなさん) to help carry out his theory. He attaches Baba to two ropes and splits the team in half, 3 team members grabbing hold to one rope. He hopes by alternatively pulling the ropes, Baba's side to side Agility speed will be increased and they can use the technique on Zoroark to increase his Agility speed. Unfortunately the only thing it really accomplished was almost ripping Baba appart.

The TM Professor dig out another TM disk from his bag, this time its Hone Claws (つめとぎ). They then send Zoroark to a 'Nails' shop and it comes out 20 minutes later its nails done and hearts and jewels all over it. Robert are all confused until they realize that 'Nails' translates to tsume (つめ) in Japanese and that Zoroark had gone to a Nail Salon.

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The TM Professor goes at it again, this time they decide to teach it Detect (みきり). Detect enables the Pokémon to evade all attacks and its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. They decided to test it out by setting up a bamboo practice sword to a pulley system to see if Yamamoto could catch it before it hit him. The test proved to be a failure as it always hit Yamamoto on the head when he wasn't paying attention but luckly he had a helmet on. They decided see if Baba was any better but he got hit on the head as well but without a helmet on. Finally they decide to see how Zoroark would do with its newly learned Detect move. Unfortunately it couldn't reach above its head high enough to catch it before getting hit on the head.

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Zoroark gets a bit mad at the fact that none of the new TM moves it learned were working out as they should and just as that happened it started using a new move which caused Robert and the TM Professor to fall on the ground. They are all amazed by the power of the move that Zoroark just used but they didn't have clue what move it was. They decide to go visit Jun'ichi Masuda to see if he could figure out what move Zoroark learned. He asks Zoroark to try to use the move again so he can see what it is and Zoroark uses it again. Robert, the TM Professor and Jun'ichi Masuda all fall to the ground. He then realizes that the move Zoroark learned was Bark Out (バークアウト). He explains that Bark Out deals damage and lowers the target's Special Attack by 1 stage as well as hitting all opponents in double battles and all adjacent opponents triple battles. Jun'ichi Masuda then states they will be giving out a present. It will be a Zoroark that knows Bark Out, a move no other Pokémon can learn or use.

The official Japanese Pokémon Website posted more detailed information about the Smash Zoroark event just after the episode finished airing. The Smash Zoroark will be available via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection from February 15th, 2011 until March 14th, 2011. Below are the full details.

Pokémon Info

Zoroark (ゾロアーク)
Level: 50
OT: PokéSma! (ポケスマ!)
ID: 01161
Poké ball: Cherish Ball
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon
Ability: Illusion
Attack 1: Agility (こうそくいどう)
Attack 2: Embargo (さしおさえ)
Attack 3: Punishment (おしおき)
Attack 4: Bark Out (バークアウト)

11 year old Taka Erika-chan was this weeks in-studio battler. She faced off against Professor Red and was able to defeat him. For winning she asked to trade his Kokoromori (ココロモリ). She gave him her Lowbushin (ローブシン) in exchange.

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Dec 28 2010 Pokémon Smash 13
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 13, The Jungle Trio! Hot Spring Battle!! / Delivering Presents to Those who Sent in 'Cosplay Pictures' / AAA Perform the PokéSma ED Tune / Presents: Trade Pokémon with the PokéSma Members (ジャングルのさんびき! おんせんバトル!! / 「なりきり写真」を送ってくれた方にプレゼントを届ける / AAAがポケスマ!ED曲を披露 / プレゼント・ポケスマメンバーのポケモンと交換), aired today in Japan.

Todays's episode started with two walls of pictures featuring kids dressed up as Tsutarja, Pokabu and Mijumaru. Shoko-tan announces that the results for the Pokémon Library vote were in and that 91,823 votes were cast. The Pokémon Library vote allowed viewers to choose between two episodes. Golgo suggested viewers vote for Bivouac by Iwark (イワークでビバーク) which received 43,556 votes while Professor Red suggested The Jungle Trio! Hot Spring Battle!! (ジャングルのさんびき!おんせんバトル!!) and it received 48,267 votes.

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Since Professor Red one the vote for this weeks Pokémon Library episode, The Jungle Trio! Hot Spring Battle!! (ジャングルのさんびき!おんせんバトル!!) aired. The episode is from the original Japanese series. A full summary is available in the episode guide. Red said the go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

After the repeat episode, the International division girls show up with another board of pictures. Everyone reviews the pictures that had been sent in and comments on them. 548 pictures in total were sent in. Golgo then introduces the Christmas Present Surprise Video Tape Recording.

At 5:45am, Golgo, Misaki, and Professor Red all dressed up in Santa outfits make their first stop at 6 year old Yuusaku Mukaida (向井田勇作) home, as he submitted a picture dressed up as a Tsutarja. He was sleeping when they arrived but then he got dressed up in his Tsutarja outfit to show them. They gave him a signed Pokémon Smash poster, a calendar and a Tsutarja plushie.

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At 6:00am, Robert also dressed up in Santa outfits make their first stop at 8 year old Saki Mukaiyama's (向山咲希) home, as she submitted a picture dressed up as a Mijumaru. She was also sleeping when they arrived. Her parents are also fans of Pokémon as their house has many goods related to the series throughout their home. Her mom has logged 101 hours on BW and her father has logged 193 hours on a separate cart. True fans of the series! Saki got dressed up in her Mijumaru costume and sang Fanfare of the Heart, the first ending theme for Best Wishes. Robert gave her a Mijumaru plushie, as well as a signed Pokémon Smash poster and calendar.

Golgo, Misaki, and Professor Red head off to Kyūshū where they make their next stop at 8 year old Takuya Tsushima's (對間拓哉) home, as he submitted a picture dressed up as a Mijumaru. He comes home from school to see Golgo dressed up in a Santa outfit with his Futachimaru paper mache head on so he couldn't tell who it was. He takes off the head to see who it was and recognizes Golgo. Takuya gets full dressed up in his costume to show them and his brother also got dressed up as Mijumaru.

Robert head off to their next location in Chiba where they make their next stop at 9 year old Yuuji Nakamura's (中村悠士) home, as he submitted a picture dressed up as Pokabu. Yuuji was out when Robert arrive but when he returned he was quite stunned to see Robert and the camera crew around his kitchen table. Akiyama and Yuuji come out dressed as Pokabu which gets a lot of laughs. They give him a Pokabu plushie.

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Golgo, Misaki, and Professor Red make a stop in Fukuoka to the Okamoto Family (岡本さん親子). The family dressed up as all three starter Pokémon. The did a quick show before they had to leave quickly. Each of them received a plushie.

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Osaka Pokémon Center

logoDuring Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, the Osaka Pokémon Center new location on the 13th floor of the Daimaru Umeda department store (大丸梅田店) was shown. It opened on November 26th, 2010 and features a Black and White theme throughout the store.

The new Osaka Pokémon Center carries over 2500 different Pokémon items as well as a few exclusive ones to commemorate the new location. There is also a Union Room where fans can meet and will also serve as an excellent location for Pokémon Card Game and Pokémon Video Game tournament events.

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AAA - Endless Fighters

Endless Fighters is the first ending theme for Pokémon Smash that plays during the ending credits. AAA was on set during the episode to perform the song and to promote the special PARADISE / Endless Fighters (Cover D) "Pokémon Smash!" (PARADISE / Endless Fighters (ジャケットD) 「ポケモンスマッシュ!」) CD which has a different cover compared to the other versions of the CD. It features Zoroark and Mijumaru on the Pokémon Smash set instead of AAA. Endless Fighters is also the first track on this CD instead of PARADISE which was the first track on every other variant of this CD release. AAA also signed a few CD's to give out as presents to viewers.

The Pokémon Smash crew is also giving out Pokémon as presents to a few lucky viewers. Below are the Pokémon that they will be giving out.

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Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Dec 23 2010 Pokémon Smash 12
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 12, Pokémon the Movie! / The International Division and the Adventure Division's Pokémon Card Searching Showdown! / Director Shoko-tan's Pokémon Battle / Goods Present Project! (ポケモン・ザ・ムービー! / インターナショナル部とアドベンチャー部がポケモンのカード探しで対決!/ポケモンバトルはしょこたん部長/グッズプレゼント企画), aired today in Japan.

The episode begins Shoko-tan holding a present and Zoroark and Mijumaru looking on. TIM and Robert walk in and notice that Shoko-tan is attempting to deliver a present. They ask her about the present and she says that she cooked it herself. This brings back bad memories of the previous food she has cooked.

Golgo decides to quickly change the topic of conversation and introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and Yamamoto announces this weeks theme 'Put your mind to it!' (みんなちゃんと寝ろよ). This weeks rerun episode was Pokémon the Movie! (ポケモン・ザ・ムービー!) from the original Japanese series. A full summary is available in the episode guide. Red said the go-to line 'Okay! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

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After the repeat episode, the International girls show up and say 'PokéMorning!" to everyone. Shoko-tan had hidden the present and Misaki manages to find it behind the cardboard cutout of the President of Pokémon Enterprise. They open the present to find out that it is Carrot Jelly (にんじんぜりー). Misaki is the first to try it thinking that it would be good but she quickly realizes that it doesn't taste very good. Hana tries it and almost faints and says 'Oh my god!". As they take Hana back to her seat Yamamoto notices that Mijumaru got a present from Shoko and Yamamoto wanted to protect Mijumaru so he quickly took the present, opened it and began eating it so that Mijumaru would be spared. It turned out that it was a Wasabi Rolls (わさびたっぷり チュロス) and it caused Yamamoto to faint onto the floor.

Baba introduced the Video tape recording of the International and Adventure Division's Pokémon Card Searching Showdown. The two teams were sent into the house to find hidden cards from the newest Pokémon Card Game BW set. The cards were hidden throughout the house. The teams were trying to find cards that had a lot of hit points and were related to get double the points from the combined HP.

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At the end of the searching, the International Division found 25 cards for a total of 3130 points with 8 pairs of cards. The Adventure Division found 23 cards for a total of 2400 points and 4 pairs of cards.

The next round, the two teams played the game Concentration with Pokémon Cards. The teams needed to match 3 evolution cards to collect them. The Adventure Division did quite well matching up the cards and increased their score to 3560 points whereas the International group only increased to 3140 points.

During Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, the ANA Darkrai was announced. Even though it's winter, the Phantom Pokémon Darkrai will be distributed as a special gift! Participating stores and shops which includes: Aeon Group Shopping Malls (Jusco, Aeon SuperCenter, Saty, Posful), Apita, Piago, Ito Yokado, Toys 'R US, Daiei, Al Plaza, and Heiwado will be distributing the Darkrai from December 27th, 2010 until January 11th, 2011.

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At the same time, Darkrai will also be distributed at Haneda Airport Terminal 2 to celebrate the renovation of the International terminal that opened at the end of October. This Darkrai is exactly the same as the one distributed at shops except for the OT name. The OT is (ANA) for the Terminal 2 Darkrai and the shop Darkrai's OT is (ふゆやすみ) but both Darkrai's will have the ID No: 12270. The Darkrai are level 50 and it is stored in a Cherish Ball. They know the following moves: Ominous Wind, Dark Void, Faint Attack and Nightmare. The ANA Darkrai will be distributing from December 27th, 2010 until January 10th, 2011, one day less than the shop Darkrai.

During the Marketing Department segment, Director Shoko-tan had a Pokémon Battle with 9 year old Seiya Shishido. His parents and 8 siblings were in the audience to cheer him on. It was a 4-on-4 double battle. In the end, Seiya won against Shoko-tan and he traded his Muhland (ムーランド) for her Ononokus (オノノクス)

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Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Dec 15 2010 Pokémon Smash 11
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 11, Sing! Purin! / The Adventure Division Predict how the Main Pokémon of the Movie will be Used / The 3rd PokéSun Champion, Group Member Yamamoto, Participates in a Pokémon Battle! (うたって! プリン! / アドベンチャー部が映画で活躍するポケモンを勝手に予想 / ポケモンバトルに第3回ポケサン最強王者・山本隊員が登場!), aired today in Japan.

The episode begins with Robert walking in and saying 'PokéMorning!' to Red, Golgo and Shoko who are sitting at their desks. They see them writing and wonder what they are doing. Shoko tells them they are trying to think of what they should do for this years PokéSmash greeting card. They ask Robert for suggestions but Golgo just gets mad at Akiyama at the end for getting sidetracks by suggesting he should bake a cake.

Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and Akiyama announces this weeks theme 'Everyone go to Sleep' (みんなちゃんと寝ろよ). This weeks rerun episode was Sing! Purin! (うたって! プリン!) from the original Japanese series. A full summary is available in the episode guide. Red said his original go-to line 'Let's Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

After the repeat episode, the International group girls show up and take a seat at their desk. Yamamoto reminds everyone that the title for the latest movie has been announced which Shoko-tan states is Victini and the Dark Hero (ビクティニと黒き英雄). The teaser trailer for the latest movie is then shown.

The Adventure Division then introduces their VTR on how the Main Pokémon of the Movie will be Used. Robert head off to a local pool where they all wore a big red 'V' on their forehead so show the audience they were trying to be Victini. Robert discussed that for their experiment they would need to find out who was fastest. They all recalled a previous outing from Pokémon Sunday #293. In that episode, Baba was able to run the 50m dash in 7.44 seconds, proving he could run fast. Akiyama and Yamamoto tied a rope to Baba and told Baba to run fast so he could be like Victini from the movie trailer and hover over the water. Baba started to run but quickly fell into the pool.

In Pokémon Sunday #187, Akiyama proved to be the best at crossing a water bridge during the Ninjutsu Challenge Quiz. A bridge was setup in the pool and Akiyama was able to make it across the pool. The clip of Akiyama played at the same time as the clip of Victini from the teaser trailer to show the similarity.

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During the next segment, Robert dressed up as Pokémon they thought should be in the next movie. Yamamoto dressed up as Mijumaru, Akiyama dressed up as Monmen and Baba dressed up as Meguroco and they had a foot race which Akiyama won.

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In the lastest movies, Satoshi and friends are each seen eating a food from the country or region that the movie is based off of. In the 13th movie, Satoshi ate Belgian Waffles. Akiyama decides that in Movie 14 they should eat favoured shaved ice (カキ氷). He explains that the topings that are dark and the ice that is white match the Black and White idea. Akiyama had put Molasses (brown sugar syrup 黒みつ) on Yamamoto's bowl and he put Soy Sauce (しょうゆ) on Baba's.

The first Pokémon Smash calendar was revealed and it featured Akiyama's successful attempted to cross the pool like Victini. 7 calendars featuring the Adventure Group will be revealed over the coming months to promote the release of the 14th movie. It was pointed out that the numbers on the calendar for the July 2011 calendar are actually Robert making different poses to make the numbers. The first calendar can be downloaded below or at the Smash official website.

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Also posted was a couple of Happy New Year posters that viewers can download and print out. The posters feature Pokémon Smash members.

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During Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, it was revealed that in a presentation held on November 18th, 2010 at the Meiji Dori, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan McDonald's location (マクドナルド 明治通り新宿), the Guinness Book of World Records awarded the 2010 McDonald's Pokémon calendar a certificate for "the most calendars sold in one year". Pikachu and Ronald McDonald were in attendance to receive the award. The calendar has been released yearly and features original pictures based on the latest Pocket Monsters animated series. The 2011 calendar is currently for sale for 300 yen.

Full certificate description: "The most calendars sold in one year is 1,476,442 and was achieved by McDonald's Japan in Japan on 5 November 2010."

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McDonalds will also be distributing monster balls as the toy present in the latest Happy Sets (Happy Meals) in Japan. Purchasers will receive one random monster ball in each meal set. There are 24 different ones to collect. The event starts on December 17th.

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During the in-studio battle, the 3rd PokéSun Champion, Group Member Yamamoto, participates in a Pokémon Battle against 8 year old Oguro Reina-chan (小黒玲奈ちゃん). She put up a good fight and was able to defeat Yamamoto. For defeating Yamamoto, she asked for his level 60 Mijumaru - Chibipero (チビペロ). Yamamoto received her Mijumaru in exchange though.

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Dec 07 2010 Pokémon Smash 10
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 10, Lots of Digda! / The Adventure Division Gets Mystery Eggs from the Day Care Man, What Will They Hatch Into!? / The International Division Obtains Information on Pokémon Eggs (ディグダがいっぱい! / アドベンチャー部がそだてやじいさんからナゾのタマゴをゲット、その正体は!?/インターナショナル部もポケモンのタマゴ情報を入手!), aired today in Japan.

The episode started with Golgo and the staff decorating the cardboard cutout of Chief Executive Officer Choi Hong-Man with Christmas decorations and tinsel as the song "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" played in the background. They turn off the lights in the studio to show that the they also put Christmas lights on the cardboard cutout. Akiyama shows up and removes his suit jacket to show that he is also wearing Christmas lights on his body.

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Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and Yamamoto announces this weeks theme 'Pokémon save the Earth?!' (ポケモンは地球を救う!?). This weeks rerun episode was Lots of Digda! (ディグダがいっぱい!) from the original Japanese series. A full summary is available in the episode guide. Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

After the repeat episode finishes, the International Group girls show up and are quickly drawn to the Chief Executive Officer Choi Hong-Man cardboard cutout with the Christmas decorations on it. Hana says its 'Beautiful' and looks like a Christmas Tree.

Robert decide that they would try to figure out what the new title of this summers Pocket Monsters movie would be. Each of them made a movie poster with the Pokémon and title of the movie they thought would be in theaters next year. Yamamoto revealed his first, The Melancholy of Mijumaru and the Rose Bouquet (ミジュマルの憂鬱と薔撥の花束). Yamamoto points out that Mijumaru lost its shell (ホタチ hotachi). Obviously he got inspiration for the title from the 11th Pocket Monsters movie Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin (ギラティナと氷空の花束 シェイミ) and Haruhi. Next up was Baba, who said next years movie would be a sea themed movie and he revealed his 'The Last Message: POKEZARU' movie featuring Yanappu, Baoppu, and Hiyappu. His movie title was based off the movie The Last Message: Umizaru. Finally, Akiyama revealed his movie poster, Pocket Monsters Monmen VS Minezumi VS Yorterry based off the 10th Pocket Monsters movie Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai (ディアルガVSパルキアVSダークライ).

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The Adventure Group is sent out to investigate the mystery of the egg campaign after they received an egg from the Day Care Man. Robert wonders what it will hatch into as they push it around on a cart. They get to a staircase and Akiyama decides to carry the egg up the stairs after Baba almost dropped the egg on the ground. They continue pushing it around until it starts to hatch. Instead of a Pokémon that they were expecting to be hatched from the egg, a girl pops out. The girl runs away and they go and chase after her.

The girl appears to be a magician to Robert and they sit down in front of her as she begins a magic show. Her first trick turns her handkerchief into a long wand. Her assistant appears and gives her a picture of a dove sitting on a branch. She rotates the picture, waves her hand and then reaches into the picture to pull a real dove out of it. For her next trick, she shows the audience a hollow box, puts it on a table and then begins pulling large dice out of it. She then pulls a handkerchief out of the box and combines it with another one in her hand. Suddenly, another dove appears from the handkerchiefs. The girl was then revealed as the 13 year old child magician, Shio-rin (しおりん).

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For her next trick, she starts to flick a deck of cards and asks Robert to tell her to stop at any time. Baba gets her to stop at the Jack of Spades. She puts the card back in the deck, flicks the deck, snaps her fingers and reveals the top card which is the Jack of Spades.

Robert returns back to the park where Zoroark and the Day Care Man were standing. Baba tells him that there was no Pokémon in the last egg they got from him. The Day Care Man gives them a new egg and states that it will be a fighting type Pokémon. Akiyama then states that the Day Care Man looks a lot like Kuro-chan from the Japanese comedy trio Yasuda's Great Circus (安田大サーカス). Robert begin pushing the egg around until they get to a bridge as as they are going down the slope, Baba lets go of the cart with the egg on it and it begins rolling away. Baba and Yamamoto manage to catch up to it before it crashes.

Robert arrive at a Kick boxing ring just as the egg begins to hatch. Instead of a fighting Pokémon appearing, another girl pops out. She jumps into the ring and begins sparing. Yamamoto asks if she is doing kick boxing and she replies that she is doing Thai boxing (ムエタイ Muay Thai). The girl is then revealed to be 11 year old Itō Saya (伊藤紗弥), currently a champion for her age group.

Akiyama then nominates Baba to fight against her. The rules for the fight state they would battle for three rounds. The way Baba was fighting though, he didn't appear like he could handle 1 round let alone 3. Itō Saya easily kicked the crap out of Baba in 2 rounds.

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Robert returned to the park where Zoroark and the Day Care Man were standing still. The Day Care Man tells Robert to look at the egg to the side of them which was moving around. It also was slightly different than the other two eggs they got previously as it didn't have any green spots. Suddenly a head popped out of the egg and it was revealed that the person in the egg was Street Performer Balloon Tarō (大道芸人 風船太郎). He starts jumping up 3 different step ladders while still in the egg and then runs away.

Egg Events

The International Group girls promoted the new egg event for the games that loosely ties in with the new series: Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! In Best Wishes episode 12, which airs on Thursday, December 9th, 2010, Satoshi will receive an egg.

A special Pokémon Mystery Egg event for Pokémon Black and White will start on December 17th, 2010 and will end on January 11th, 2011. Players can only receive one egg per game and the egg will hatch into one of three random Pokémon. The event will be available via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, at Nintendo Zone locations (such as participating McDonalds), and DS Station locations in Japan.

From December 17th, Pokémon Card game players that purchase 4 booster packs from the new Black Collection/White Collection set will be presented a special card at random at participating retailers. Each booster pack costs 158 yen.

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Pocket Monsters Movie 14 - Victini and the Dark Hero

At the end of today's episode, a teaser trailer for the upcoming 14th Pocket Monsters movie Victini and the Dark Hero (ビクティニと黒き英雄) aired. The same teaser trailer also aired earlier in the week on the variety show Oha Suta (おはスタ) hosted by Kōichi Yamadera (山寺宏一) and Best Wishes 11.

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Pokémon Library Vote

During the credits the narrator reminds viewers that the Pokémon Library vote that allows viewers to choose between two episodes will be over soon. Golgo suggested viewers vote for Bivouac by Iwark (イワークでビバーク) while Professor Red suggested The Jungle Trio! Hot Spring Battle!! (ジャングルのさんびき!おんせんバトル!!). Voting is open until December 6th, 2010 at midnight. Viewers can vote for their favorite episode at the official Smash website.

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Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Nov 28 2010 Pokémon Smash 9
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 9, Pikachu and Pichu! / The New Members Participate Actively in the 'Pokémon Quiz Caravan'? / The Pokémon BW Television Viewer Battles Start / Announcing the PokéSma Original C-Gear Skin Results! (ピカチュウとピチュー! / 「ポケモンクイズキャラバン」で新メンバーが活躍? / ポケモンBWで視聴者バトル開始 / ポケスマオリジナルCギアスキンの結果発表!), aired today in Japan.

The episode began with the group doing a 'PokéMorning!' salute only to notice that Zoroark knocked down some of the desks in the process. Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and Shoko announces this weeks theme 'Anything can be done by cooperating!' (協力すれば何でもできる!). This weeks rerun episode was Pikachu and Pichu! (ピカチュウとピチュー!) from the original Japanese series, not to be confused with the English Pikachu short which changed its title to match. A full summary of the episode is available on the episode guide. Red changed his go-to line to 'OK! Pokémon Library!' which got a few groans from the staff.

After the repeat show, the International girls show up walking together with a band against their ankles as they said they were practicing for the Caravan quiz. Just then, Red appears through the side door with his latest invention the RED 060 - Anything Rotates (なんでもローテーション). The device is a large box with a rotatable wheel on the front with different categories. A lever on the left side of the box would spin the wheel until it stopped on a specific category for the quiz.

Red removed the faceplate and revealed the first question and spun the wheel. The wheel had all the names of the staff members and it landed on Hana's name. The question was: Answer what food you like to eat? (すきな食べものを答えろ) and Hana replied 'Chocolate'. Red spun the wheel again and said "Let's Rotation!" (レッツ ローテーション). This time it landed on Maria and the subject for the round was "Eat the food you hate" (きらいな食べものを食べろ). Professor Red brought out a bowl of natto (なっとう), fermented soybeans, for Maria to eat. Obviously she didn't like eating it.

Tim and the International Group introduce the VTR (video tape recording) for the second Pokémon Quiz Caravan. This quiz took place at Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Elementary School (神奈川県 横須賀市立 逸見小学校) and 36 grade 5 students were there to greet them. A somewhat morbid place to have a school as there is big cemetery behind it.

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Golgo states that this quiz would be based on Pokémon Black and White. The first batch of questions would be answered in a Yes (O) or No (X) format and the teams would all have to decide which was the right answer and stand on the appropriate side of the line if they didn't want to get eliminated from the quiz.

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Below are the questions that were asked (Not all of the questions were broadcast on the show):
# Question Answer
1 Anime - Is Sanyo Gym Leader Dent is a twin? (サンヨウジムのジムリーダーはデントですがデントは「ふたご」である)?
(X) No - Dent, Pod, Corn are Triplets (デント ポッド コーンの三つ子)
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3 Game - Is Dageki an evolution of Nageki? (ダゲキの進化形はナゲキである)?
(X) No - Dageki and Nageki are different Pokémon (ダグキとナグキは別のポケモン)
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5 Anime - Was Mijumaru the first Pokémon Satoshi got in the Isshu region? (イッシュ地方でサトシが初めゲットしたポケモンはミジュマルである)?
(X) No - The first one he got was Mamepato (初めてゲットしたのはマメパト)
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6 Game - Is the Musical Hall in Hiun City (ミュージカルホールがあるのはヒウンシティである)?
(X) No - The answer is Ramion City (正解はライモンシティ)
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7 Game - Do Yanappu, Baoppu, Baoppu have the Gluttony ability? (ヤナップ・バオップ・ヒヤップのとくせいはすべて「くいしんぼう」である)?
(O) Yes
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Question 7 proved to be the clincher as most the teams had managed to get to that point in the quiz but ended up being eliminated. Professor Red got the other teams to laugh at Chillarmy Team (チラーミィチーム), the only team to pick yes but they got the last laugh as they won the quiz. The International Group was also eliminated in that round.

The next segment featured a '4 Legged Quiz' (3人4脚ばらまきクイズ) where teams of 3 had their legs tied up and they were sent out to find a specific Pokémon card based on type or information that was called out. Players would have to know the correct Pokémon types for the cards that were distributed throughout the school grounds and then return back to Red and Golgo.

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Question 1: Find a dual type Pokémon! (タイプが2つあるポケモンをさがせ!) - Correct answer: Zuruggu (ズルッグ)
Question 2: Find a Pokémon that is at least 1.5m tall! (たかさが1.5m以上あるポケモンをさがせ!) - Wrong Answer: Doryuzu (ドリュウズ) (0.7m) - Correct Answer: Ononokus (オノノクス) (1.8m)

The next section of the Caravan Quiz was a new segment called Knock-down Quiz (”うちおとす” クイズ). The teams stood 3 meters away from a table with three targets on them. Players were required to answer the multiple choice question by throwing a ball at the number that corresponded with the correct answer. A team could know the right answer but if they didn't hit the correct target, it wouldn't count as the correct answer.

# Question Answer
1 Anime - Who takes care of the Pokémon at the Pokémon Center? (ポケモンセンターでポケモンの面倒をみてくれる人は?)
1. Junsa-san (ジュンサーさん), 2. Joy-san (ジョーイさん), 3. Sodateya-san (そだてやさん)
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2 Card Game - What do you need for a Pokémon in the Pokémon Card Game to use a move? (ポケモンカードゲームでポケモンがワザ使う時に必要なのは?)
1. Stamina (元気), 2. Pokémon Zukan (ポケモンずかん), 3. Energy (エネルギー)
3. Energy (エネルギー)
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3 Game - What do Gym Leaders give to winners? (ジムリーダーに勝つともらえるものは?)
1. Badge (バッジ), 2. Trophy (トロフィー), 3. Medal (メダル)
1. Badge (バッジ)
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4 Game - What Nutritional Energy Drink increases the attack base point of a Pokémon by 1? (ポケモン1ぴきのこうげきの基礎ポイントを上げる栄養ドリンクは?)
1. HP Up (Max Up マックスアップ), 2. Protein (Taurine タウリン), 3. Zinc (Chitosan キトサン)
2. Protein (Taurine タウリン)
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5 Game - Who is the Gym Leader of Hiun City? (ヒウンシティのジムリーダーは?)
1. Kamitsure (カミツレ), 2. Arti (アーティ), 3. Dent (デント)
2. Arti (アーティ)
Spoiler: Click to show!

During Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, Mijumaru reminded viewers of the new TV Anime Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 'Best Wishes!' / 'Fanfare of the Heart' (TVアニメポケットモンスター ベストウィッシュ 新オープニングテーマ「ベストウィッシュ!」/新エンディングテーマ「心のファンファーレ」) CD that was released this week.

The Marketing Group then presented the results for the C-Gear vote which was announced on Pokémon Smash 5. Each member of the Pokémon Smash crew drew a background that they hoped would be voted on to become a C-Gear background for Pokémon Black and White. Players could vote for their favorite one until midnight on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010 on the official Pokémon Smash website.


Shoko-tan announced that there was 60,792 votes cast during the voting period. In third place, with 14,945 votes was Yamamoto and his Champion Mijumaru picture. In second place with 15,213 votes was Golgo and his Dageki picture. In first place was Shoko-tan who amassed 21,257 votes. Her picture of Choroneko will be available on the Pokémon Global Link website from November 29th, 2010 until January 31st, 2011 as a C-Gear background download.


Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Nov 22 2010 Pokémon Smash 8
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 8, Lots of Subame, Lots of Peril! I got one in the Touka Forest!! / TM Akiyama Teaches About 'Venom Shock' in the BW TV Program 'Live Technically' / A Pokémon Battle between the Third Champion, Group Member Yamamoto, and AAA! (スバメがいっぱい危険がいっぱい! トウカの森でゲットだぜ!! / BW内のTV番組「わざとくらす」に合わせてワザマシン秋山が「ベノムショック」を教える / 3代目王者・山本隊員とAAAがポケモンバトル!), aired today in Japan.

The episode starts with Golgo being to do his normal "PokéMorning!" salute but before he does he decides that Akiyama should do a salute this time. Akiyama is surprised that he is given the task but is willing to do so. He makes up his own salute which includes fist pumping and then ramen slurping from a bowl at the end. Everyone thinks the salute is a bit strange but do it with Akiyama nonetheless.

Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode is part of the Pokémon Library and Red announces this weeks theme 'It's important not to get disappointed!' (くじけない気持ちが大事!). This weeks rerun episode was Lots of Subame, Lots of Peril! I got one in the Touka Forest!! (スバメがいっぱい危険がいっぱい! トウカの森でゲットだぜ!!) from the Advanced Generation series. A full summary of the episode is available on the episode guide. Professor Red starts singing lyrics from Daiji MAN Brothers Band (大事MANブラザーズバンド) song Sorega Daiji (それが大事) but adds his own lyrics at the end for Subame (負けない事 投げ出さない事 逃げ出さない事 信じ抜く事 スバメがんばれ). Unlike last weeks episode when Red had to do the "Let's! Pokémon Library!" salute with Shoko-tan and was a bit embarrassed, Professor Red did the "Let's! Pokémon Library!" call that imitates the Fall in Love (フォーリンラブ) duo salute with Mijumaru.

Professor Red then introduces the Pokémon Library vote that allows viewers to choose between two episodes. Golgo suggests viewers vote for Bivouac by Iwark (イワークでビバーク) while Professor Red suggests The Jungle Trio! Hot Spring Battle!! (ジャングルのさんびき!おんせんバトル!!). Voting is open until December 6th, 2010 at midnight. The winning episode will air on December 26th episode of Pokémon Smash. Viewers can vote for their favorite episode at the official Smash website.

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Akiyama explains that in the new Pokémon Black and White games there are TV's located throughout Isshu where players can 'watch' shows. The Adventure Group decides that they would go out and do their own BW TV Program 'Live Technically'. Yamamoto dressed up as the main character from the games and stood beside a large frame that looked like a television.

During the Marketing Groups segment introduced a few more 5th Generation Pokémon to get the audience a bit more familiar with them. The following Pokémon were displayed:

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537 ガマゲロゲ Gamageroge
534 ローブシン Lowbushin
553 ワルビアル Waruvial
600 ギギアル Gigiaru

After the commercial break, AAA group members Mitsuhiro Hidaka (日高光啓), Sueyoshi Shuta (末吉秀太) and Chiaki Itō (伊藤千晃) showed up for a Pokémon Black and White battle. Earlier that week the ending theme for Pokémon Smash "Endless Fighters" was released on CD. Yamamoto, the current in-house champion volunteered to battle against Sueyoshi Shuta. The battle was a 4-on-4 level 50 adjusted double battle.

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Yamamoto sent out Mijumaru (ミジュマル), also named Chibipero (チビペロ) and Emonga (エモンガ), also named Tobimaru (トビマル). shuty sent out Jalorda (ジャローダ) and Zebraika (ゼブライカ). Yamamoto quickly swapped out his Mijumaru for his Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) when he realized he had a type disadvantage. shuty's Jalorda (ジャローダ) used Leaf Blade (リーフブレード) on Yamamoto's Emonga (エモンガ) dealing about 1/4 damage. shut's Zebraika (ゼブライカ) then used Spark (スパーク) on Yamamoto's Emonga (エモンガ), leaving it at critical hit points.

shuty then recalled his Zebraika (ゼブライカ) and sent out his Hiyappu (ヒヤップ) and Yamamoto recalled his Emonga (エモンガ) and sent out Baokkie (バオッキー). shuty's Jalorda (ジャローダ) used Leaf Blade (リーフブレード) on Yamamoto's Baokkie (バオッキー) dealing only 1/4 damage. Yamamoto's Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) used Leaf Storm (リーフストーム) on Hiyappu (ヒヤップ) and knocked it out.

shuty sent out Dokkorar (ドッコラー) and recalled his Jalorda (ジャローダ) and sent out his Hahakomori (ハハコモリ). Yamamoto's Baokkie (バオッキー) used the 5th generation move Flame Burst (はじけるほのお) on Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) dealing over 50% damage and slightly injuring Dokkorar (ドッコラー). Yamamoto's Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) then used X-Scissor (シザークロス) on shuty's Dokkorar (ドッコラー), lowering its hit points to around 50%. shuty's Dokkorar (ドッコラー) then used the 5th generation move Retaliation (かたきうち) on Yamamoto's Baokkie (バオッキー), almost knocking it out but his Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) finished if off with Quick Attack (でんこうせっか). Yamamoto's Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) used Leaf Blade (リーフブレード) on shuty's Dokkorar (ドッコラー) to finish it off in the same round.

Yamamoto sent out his Emonga (エモンガ) to replace Baokkie (バオッキー) and shuty sent out his Jalorda (ジャローダ) to replace his Dokkorar (ドッコラー). shuty's Zebraika (ゼブライカ) used Nitro Charge (ニトロチャージ) on Yamamoto's Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) leaving it with about 40% hit points. Yamamoto's Emonga (エモンガ) used Acrobat (アクロバット) on Zebraika (ゼブライカ) dealing only minor damage. Yamamoto's Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) then used X-Scissor (シザークロス) on shuty's Jalorda (ジャローダ), almost knocking it out but Yamamoto's Emonga (エモンガ) used Acrobat (アクロバット) on Jalorda (ジャローダ) to finish it off leaving shuty with just his Zebraika (ゼブライカ) . The battle then fast forwards to show that Yamamoto lost his Emonga (エモンガ) and Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) to setup the final battle with Yamamoto's Mijumaru and shuty's severely injured Zebraika (ゼブライカ) which ended up getting finished off on the first attack with Mijumaru's Shell Blade giving Yamamoto the victory.

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Nov 14 2010 Pokémon Smash 7
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 7, Startled by Ringuma!! / The International Division's Card Battle with Robert of the Adventure Division! / A Battle in Pokémon BW Between Beginner Misaki and Group Member Akiyama! (リングマでドッキリ!! / インターナショナル部がアドベンチャー部・ロバートとカードバトル / ポケモンBWで初心者のミサキと秋山隊員がバトル!), aired today in Japan.

The episode starts with TIM and Robert and Shoko-tan all playing Pokémon Black and White to train their Pokémon. Golgo asks Akiyama how he's doing and goes over to look at his 'Nintendo DS' which he finds out is actually not a real Nintendo DS but a lunch box with Akiyama's lunch. Golgo gets mad at him but Akiyama just starts to eat his rice.

Golgo introduces this weeks rerun episode is part of the Pokémon Library and Akiyama begins to announce this weeks theme with his mouth full but the group makes him stop eating so he can properly announce it. This weeks theme which is "When you join rival in a pinch" (ライバルでピンチ時は仲間になる). This weeks rerun episode was Startled by Ringuma!! (リングマでドッキリ!!) from the original series. Reluctantly, Professor Red and Shoko-tan then do the "Let's! Pokémon Library!" call that imitates the Fall in Love (フォーリンラブ) duo. 

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The International Group girls show up after the rerun episode just as Professor Red comes out the side entrance with his latest invention, the "RED059 First Trick Set for Girls" (いたずらはじめてセット for ガール). The name obviously was based on the fact that the latest Pokémon Card Game BW set has one just for girls. The first part of the invention consists of a long cylinder and a handle with a breathing apparatus at the end. Hana and Maria tried it out and took a deep breath. It made their voices sound like they were on helium. The next part of the set included a disguise nose, glasses and scalp. Everyone got a good laugh out of the set.

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The International Group and Adventure Group went off to meet up with Dr. Takashima (タカシマ先生) who once again will be their teacher for this segment of the show. He introduced the newly released Pokémon BW Boys and Girls Starter Kits which were released in Japan on October 29th, 2010. He tells them that they will be using these sets for their battle.

Hana, Misaki, and Yamamoto were on one team and Maria, Baba, and Akiyama were on the other team. Hana and Maria would be the ones that actually did the battle while their teammates would help out. Hana got Mijumaru as her basic starter with a bunch of Water Energy while Maria got Pokabu and a bunch of fire Energy. Hana and Maria both sorted their cards, shook hands, bowed and the battle begin. Hana picked up 7 cards and an easy way to remember how many cards that a player should pick it was used. Pokemon kaddo (ポケモンカード) has 7 syllables, the same number of cards that a player needs to pick up. Maria and Hana play a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors (最初はぐうじゃんけんぽん) and Maria wins with paper and she will start the match.

Maria sent out Yanappu (ヤナップ) (004/037 HS) and the card was dangled around Baba's neck and Hana sent out Fushide (フシデ) (021/037 HS) controlled by Misaki. Akiyama held Pokabu (ポカブ) (006/037 HS) and was assigned to Maria's bench while Yamamoto held Mijumaru (ミジュマル) (011/037 HS) and was assigned to Hana's bench.

Maria drew a Lightning energy card and assigned a Fire energy card to Yanappu. She used Yanappu's Collect (もってくる) which requires 1 colorless energy to use and Baba drew a Fire Energy card and was put into her hand. Maria's turn was over and Hana drew a Psychic energy card. She assigned the energy card to Fushide and used Ram (ぶつかる). Misaki put on some Football shoulder protection and then hit Yanappu Baba. Baba fell to the ground and his card was assigned a 10 points of damage. With Hana's turn over, Maria drew a Lightning energy card, assigned a fire energy to her benched Pokabu and then used Yanappu's Collect again hoping that Akiyama's strategy of getting a Chaoboo (チャオブー) card so they could evolve to a Enbuoh (エンブオー) which they already had on their would work and it did as Baba drew the Chaoboo (007/037 HS) card.

Hana drew a Water energy card, evolved Yamamoto Mijumaru into Futachimaru (フタチマル) (012/037 HS) and assigned another Psychic energy card to Fushide. Hana tells Misaki Fushide to use Ram again but this time she make Baba hold a piece of wood as she karate kicks it in half dealing Yanappu Baba another 10 damage lowering his hit points to 50/70HP. Hana's turn was over and Maria drew a Fire Energy card. She withdrew Yanappu Baba from battle, removing the Fire energy card and discarding it as its retreat cost was 1 energy. She then sent out Akiyama Pokabu into battle from her bench and evolved Pokabu into Chaoboo (チャオブー) (007/037 HS) and assigned a Lightning energy to it. She then instructed Akiyama Chaoboo to use Nitro Charge (ニトロチャージ) and Akiyama moved his hands around pretending his was charging up an attack until Dr. Takashima (タカシマ先生) told him that Nitro Charge wasn't an attack damaging move and he was supposed to search the deck for Fire Energy and attach it to Chaoboo. Akiyama quickly picks up the card and attaches it to him.

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Hana drew Daikenki (ダイケンキ) (013/037 HS). She switch Misaki Fushide with Yamamoto Futachimaru and then evolved it into Daikenki (ダイケンキ) and assigned a Water Energy to it. That ended her turn as she didn't have enough assigned energy to do anything else. Maria picked up the last card from her deck which was another Chaoboo. She then evolved Akiyama Chaoboo into Enbuoh (エンブオー) (008/037 HS) and assigned a Fire Energy card to it. Maria then told Akiyama Enbuoh to use Flare Blitz (フレアドライブ) which can do a maximum damage of 150. A steaming hot towel was brought onto the battle field and they tossed it on Yamamoto Daikenki. He quickly tried to get the towel off him as it was very hot. Yamamoto Daikenki only had 140HP so the Flare Blitz attack was enough to knock him out. Maria's team ended up winning the battle.

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During Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, it was announced that the first Battrio 0 championship will be held in Taiwan in the spring of 2011 (インターナショナルマッチ in 台湾). The first set for Japanese Battrio players is participate in local events so they can quality. Mumage Cup (ムウマージカップ) and Juptile Cup (ジュプトルカップ) are being held and two special pucks are available.

Akiyama and Misaki battled against each other in Pokémon Black and White 2-on-2 battle with level 50 adjusted Pokémon. Misaki sent out Dageki (ダゲキ) and Dokkorar (ドッコラー) while Akiyama sent out Yorterry (ヨーテリー) and Choroneko (チョロネコ). Misaki started off the battle by using Dageki's (ダゲキ) Double Kick (にどげり) which K.O.'d Akiyama's Choroneko (チョロネコ). Akiyama fought back with Yorterry's (ヨーテリー) Tackle (たいあたり) and did about 1/4 damage to Misaki's Dokkorar (ドッコラー). Misaki's Dokkorar (ドッコラー) used Wake-Up Slap (めざましビンタ) on Yorterry's (ヨーテリー) which was enough to K.O. it. Akiyama then sent out Pokabu (ポカブ) and Minezumi (ミネズミ). Misaki's Dageki (ダゲキ) used Karate Chop (からてチョップ) on Minezumi (ミネズミ) which was enough to K.O. it. Misaki's Dageki (ダゲキ) then finished off the battle by using the 5th Generation attack Low Kick (ローキック). After the battle was over Baba wanted to see the original levels of Akiyama's Pokémon. All of them were quite low leveled.

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Oct 31 2010 Pokémon Smash 5
Episode PicturePokémon Smash Episode 5, Rescue Ralts! Hurry Masato! / Robert Teaches the New Members How to Enjoy the Pokémon Card Game / Pokémon BW News - Pictures Drawn by the PokéSma Members Appear in the Game!?! (ラルトスを救え! 急げマサト! / ロバートが新メンバーにポケモンカードゲームの楽しみ方を伝授 / ポケモンBW情報・ポケスマメンバーが描いた絵がゲームで登場!?), aired today in Japan.

The episode starts off with just Robert, Golgo, Red and Shoko. Yamamoto asks where the International Group is and Golgo explains that they are late as is the President. The narrator explains that Misaki generally says "Pokémon Library" before the repeat episode starts. Red then intimates her by saying "Pokémon Library". Akiyama takes a turn in a sad and crying voice and then Golgo and Yamamoto do a group saying of "Let's Pokémon Library" that imitates the Fall in Love (フォーリンラブ) duo. 

Baba introduces this weeks rerun theme which is "People and Pokémon Grow Stronger Together" (人とポケモンは一緒に成長すろ). Professor then does the "Pokémon Library" library call instead of Misaki in the style of his old "Poké-we-go!" saying from Pokémon Sunday which gets the attention of the other members there. Akiyama and Professor Red then end up doing the call again this time imitating the Fall in Love (フォーリンラブ) duos style. This weeks episode, Rescue Ralts! Hurry Masato! is from the Advanced Generation series. A full summary of this episode is available in the episode guide.

After the repeat episode finishes, the girls from the International Group show up. The girls say that the President of Pokémon Enterprises is out working hard today. To help the girls and audience better understand the Pokémon Card Game, Robert and the International Group meet up with Dr. Takashima (タカシマ先生) who will be their teacher for this segment of the show.

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The narrator introduced the newly released Pokémon BW Boys and Girls Starter Kits which were released in Japan on October 29th, 2010. A tutorial clip from the DVD that is included with the set was briefly shown.

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Lesson 1: Card Type (カードの種類): Takashima introduced the 3 main types of cards, Pokémon cards, Energy cards, and Trainer cards. Robert then appeared on the top level of the gym each wearing a large Pokémon card in front of them. Baba wore the Grass-type Tsutarja (ツタージャ) card from the new BW set, Akiyama wore the Fire-type Pokabu (ポカブ) card and Yamamoto wore the Mijumaru (ミジュマル) card.

Yamamoto explained the fact that some Pokémon cards can evolve into other Pokémon replacing the previous card. A player puts the evolved form of the Pokémon onto of the previous evolution card but they must go in order. A level 2 evolution card cannot be put onto of the basic Pokémon card.

Lesson 2: How to Read a Card (カードの見かた): The narrator then explained the locations of all the card information. The name of the card at the top center, the type symbol in the top right. Takashima then indicated that the Hit Points (HP) are located beside the type symbol. He then showed where the Weakness and Resistance locations were at the bottom left part of the card. The narrator then indicated that the attacks are located in the center of the card with the damage they will deal located right beside the attack descriptions. Takashima then pointed out that attacks need energy to be able to use the attacks.

Lesson 3: Energy: Takashima held up a card with the 8 main energy type cards and the International Group girls tried to guess the type each card was.

Pokémon Type Energy Symbol
Grass Grass
Fire Fire
Water Water
Lightning Lightning
Psychic Psychic
Fighting Fighting
Colorless Colorless
Darkness Darkness
Metal Metal

Lesson 4: Let's Try it Out! (ワザを出してみよう!): The girls put a fire and water energy card on Yamamoto Mijumaru and instructed him to use Water Gun. Yamamoto got out a squirt gun and sprayed water in Baba's face. Baba didn't seemed concerned about it at all and then pointed out that his card Tsutarja has -20 resistance to Water type attacks. Mijumaru Water Gun attack only does 20 damage so the resistance canceled out any damage (20-20=0).

Maria then instructs Yamamoto Mijumaru to use Water Gun on Akiyama Pokabu this time. Akiyama goes crazy right after Yamamoto squirts him in the face with the water since Pokabu's x2 weak against Water attacks. (20x2=40)

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Lesson 5: Trainer Cards (トレーナーズのカード): Dr. Takashima (タカシマ先生) introduced the concept of Trainer Cards and how they can benefit players during battle.

Lesson 6: Place Names (場所の名前): The narrator then showed the main areas on the mat where battles take place.

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Pokémon Smash C-Gear Background:

During the last segment of the show, Shoko-tan introduced the Pokémon Smash C-Gear Background Present Campaign. Each member of the Pokémon Smash crew has drawn a background that they hope will be voted on to become a C-Gear background for Pokémon Black and White. A page has been put up at the official Pokémon Smash website to allow people to see which pictures each member drew. Players can vote for their favorite one until midnight on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010. The results will be announced on November 28th.


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