Home / Dex / Moves / Stomp
Move Details

Stomp Introduced in Generation 1


Types Move Type Damage Class Physical Tough
PP 20
Power 65
Accuracy 100


Language Local Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 踩踏
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 踩踏
English Stomp
French Écrasement
German Stampfer
Italian Pestone
Japanese ふみつけ
Japanese (Romanized) Fumitsuke
Korean 짓밟기
Spanish Pisotón

Damage Done

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
0x 0.5x 0.5x

Pokémon List

By Level Up

Ponyta Type Icon
Rapidash Type Icon
Krabby Type Icon
Kingler Type Icon
Exeggutor Type Icon Type Icon
Lickitung Type Icon
Rhyhorn Type Icon Type Icon
Rhydon Type Icon Type Icon
Tauros Type Icon
Girafarig Type Icon Type Icon
Stantler Type Icon
Miltank Type Icon
Entei Type Icon
Whismur Type Icon
Loudred Type Icon
Exploud Type Icon
Tropius Type Icon Type Icon
Regirock Type Icon
Regice Type Icon
Registeel Type Icon
Lickilicky Type Icon
Rhyperior Type Icon Type Icon
Regigigas Type Icon
Blitzle Type Icon
Zebstrika Type Icon
Tyrunt Type Icon Type Icon
Tyrantrum Type Icon Type Icon
Volcanion Type Icon Type Icon
Mudbray Type Icon
Mudsdale Type Icon
Steenee Type Icon
Tsareena Type Icon
Pheromosa Type Icon Type Icon
Guzzlord Type Icon Type Icon

By Breeding

Slowpoke Type Icon Type Icon
Kangaskhan Type Icon
Larvitar Type Icon Type Icon
Mudkip Type Icon
Aron Type Icon Type Icon
Numel Type Icon Type Icon
Cranidos Type Icon
Snover Type Icon Type Icon
Bouffalant Type Icon

By Machine

Pokémon Anime Characters

Thumbnail Benny's Lickitung GS 12 Learned as Jessie's Lickitung
Thumbnail Stephan's Zebstrika BW 42 Defeated Bel's Chillarmy with it
Thumbnail Mallow's Steenee SM 82 While on top of the cages, it hit its feet on the weak spot and learned the move.
Thumbnail Mallow's Tsareena SM 82 Learned the move while stomping on the top of a cage Ash was in while as a Steenee.
Thumbnail Hapu's Mudsdale SM 109 Tried to stop Pikachu's speed while jumping through the pillars.
Thumbnail Hunter Boss' Mudsdale PM2023 35 It couldn't complete using the move as it was hit by the other Pokémon and thrown back into the cage.