Home / Dex / Moves / Double-Edge
Move Details

Double-Edge Introduced in Generation 1


Types Move Type Damage Class Physical Tough
PP 15
Power 120
Accuracy 100


Language Local Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 捨身衝撞
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 舍身冲撞
English Double-Edge
French Damoclès
German Risikotackle
Italian Sdoppiatore
Japanese すてみタックル
Japanese (Romanized) Sutemitakkuru
Korean 이판사판태클
Spanish Doble Filo

Damage Done

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
0x 0.5x 0.5x

Pokémon List

By Level Up

Bulbasaur Type Icon Type Icon
Ivysaur Type Icon Type Icon
Venusaur Type Icon Type Icon
Rattata Type Icon
Raticate Type Icon
Jigglypuff Type Icon Type Icon
Wigglytuff Type Icon Type Icon
Geodude Type Icon Type Icon
Graveler Type Icon Type Icon
Golem Type Icon Type Icon
Onix Type Icon Type Icon
Cubone Type Icon
Marowak Type Icon
Chansey Type Icon
Tauros Type Icon
Eevee Type Icon
Snorlax Type Icon
Cyndaquil Type Icon
Quilava Type Icon
Typhlosion Type Icon
Ledyba Type Icon Type Icon
Ledian Type Icon Type Icon
Togepi Type Icon
Togetic Type Icon Type Icon
Marill Type Icon Type Icon
Azumarill Type Icon Type Icon
Sudowoodo Type Icon
Sunkern Type Icon
Sunflora Type Icon
Pineco Type Icon
Forretress Type Icon Type Icon
Dunsparce Type Icon
Steelix Type Icon Type Icon
Phanpy Type Icon
Blissey Type Icon
Linoone Type Icon
Skitty Type Icon
Aron Type Icon Type Icon
Lairon Type Icon Type Icon
Aggron Type Icon Type Icon
Volbeat Type Icon
Numel Type Icon Type Icon
Spinda Type Icon
Chimecho Type Icon
Relicanth Type Icon Type Icon
Bagon Type Icon
Shelgon Type Icon
Salamence Type Icon Type Icon
Kyogre Type Icon
Jirachi Type Icon Type Icon
Bonsly Type Icon
Hippopotas Type Icon
Hippowdon Type Icon
Victini Type Icon Type Icon
Audino Type Icon
Venipede Type Icon Type Icon
Whirlipede Type Icon Type Icon
Scolipede Type Icon Type Icon
Basculin Type Icon
Deerling Type Icon Type Icon
Sawsbuck Type Icon Type Icon
Karrablast Type Icon
Escavalier Type Icon Type Icon
Larvesta Type Icon Type Icon
Skiddo Type Icon
Gogoat Type Icon
Bergmite Type Icon
Avalugg Type Icon
Wishiwashi Type Icon
Stufful Type Icon Type Icon
Bewear Type Icon Type Icon
Passimian Type Icon
Type: Null Type Icon
Silvally Type Icon
Minior Type Icon Type Icon
Celesteela Type Icon Type Icon

By Breeding

Growlithe Type Icon
Ponyta Type Icon
Kangaskhan Type Icon
Snorlax Type Icon
Cyndaquil Type Icon
Sentret Type Icon
Hoppip Type Icon Type Icon
Yanma Type Icon Type Icon
Pineco Type Icon
Gligar Type Icon Type Icon
Snubbull Type Icon
Heracross Type Icon Type Icon
Teddiursa Type Icon
Swinub Type Icon Type Icon
Miltank Type Icon
Mudkip Type Icon
Nosepass Type Icon
Carvanha Type Icon Type Icon
Wailmer Type Icon
Corphish Type Icon
Absol Type Icon
Turtwig Type Icon
Starly Type Icon Type Icon
Bidoof Type Icon
Cranidos Type Icon
Shieldon Type Icon Type Icon
Stunky Type Icon Type Icon
Gible Type Icon Type Icon
Munchlax Type Icon
Snover Type Icon Type Icon
Blitzle Type Icon
Sandile Type Icon Type Icon
Shelmet Type Icon
Mudbray Type Icon

By Machine

Bulbasaur Type Icon Type Icon
Ivysaur Type Icon Type Icon
Venusaur Type Icon Type Icon
Charmander Type Icon
Charmeleon Type Icon
Charizard Type Icon Type Icon
Squirtle Type Icon
Wartortle Type Icon
Blastoise Type Icon
Butterfree Type Icon Type Icon
Beedrill Type Icon Type Icon
Pidgey Type Icon Type Icon
Pidgeotto Type Icon Type Icon
Pidgeot Type Icon Type Icon
Rattata Type Icon
Raticate Type Icon
Spearow Type Icon Type Icon
Fearow Type Icon Type Icon
Ekans Type Icon
Arbok Type Icon
Pikachu Type Icon
Raichu Type Icon
Sandshrew Type Icon
Sandslash Type Icon
Nidoran♀ Type Icon
Nidorina Type Icon
Nidoqueen Type Icon Type Icon
Nidoran♂ Type Icon
Nidorino Type Icon
Nidoking Type Icon Type Icon
Clefairy Type Icon
Clefable Type Icon
Vulpix Type Icon
Ninetales Type Icon
Jigglypuff Type Icon Type Icon
Wigglytuff Type Icon Type Icon
Zubat Type Icon Type Icon
Golbat Type Icon Type Icon
Oddish Type Icon Type Icon
Gloom Type Icon Type Icon
Vileplume Type Icon Type Icon
Paras Type Icon Type Icon
Parasect Type Icon Type Icon
Venonat Type Icon Type Icon
Venomoth Type Icon Type Icon
Diglett Type Icon
Dugtrio Type Icon
Meowth Type Icon
Persian Type Icon
Psyduck Type Icon
Golduck Type Icon
Mankey Type Icon
Primeape Type Icon
Growlithe Type Icon
Arcanine Type Icon
Poliwag Type Icon
Poliwhirl Type Icon
Poliwrath Type Icon Type Icon
Abra Type Icon
Kadabra Type Icon
Alakazam Type Icon
Machop Type Icon
Machoke Type Icon
Machamp Type Icon
Bellsprout Type Icon Type Icon
Weepinbell Type Icon Type Icon
Victreebel Type Icon Type Icon
Tentacool Type Icon Type Icon
Tentacruel Type Icon Type Icon
Geodude Type Icon Type Icon
Graveler Type Icon Type Icon
Golem Type Icon Type Icon
Ponyta Type Icon
Rapidash Type Icon
Slowpoke Type Icon Type Icon
Slowbro Type Icon Type Icon
Magnemite Type Icon Type Icon
Magneton Type Icon Type Icon
Farfetch'd Type Icon Type Icon
Doduo Type Icon Type Icon
Dodrio Type Icon Type Icon
Seel Type Icon
Dewgong Type Icon Type Icon
Shellder Type Icon
Cloyster Type Icon Type Icon
Gengar Type Icon Type Icon
Onix Type Icon Type Icon
Drowzee Type Icon
Hypno Type Icon
Krabby Type Icon
Kingler Type Icon
Exeggcute Type Icon Type Icon
Exeggutor Type Icon Type Icon
Cubone Type Icon
Marowak Type Icon
Hitmonlee Type Icon
Hitmonchan Type Icon
Lickitung Type Icon
Rhyhorn Type Icon Type Icon
Rhydon Type Icon Type Icon
Chansey Type Icon
Tangela Type Icon
Kangaskhan Type Icon
Horsea Type Icon
Seadra Type Icon
Goldeen Type Icon
Seaking Type Icon
Staryu Type Icon
Starmie Type Icon Type Icon
Mr. Mime Type Icon Type Icon
Scyther Type Icon Type Icon
Jynx Type Icon Type Icon
Electabuzz Type Icon
Magmar Type Icon
Pinsir Type Icon
Tauros Type Icon
Gyarados Type Icon Type Icon
Lapras Type Icon Type Icon
Eevee Type Icon
Vaporeon Type Icon
Jolteon Type Icon
Flareon Type Icon
Porygon Type Icon
Omanyte Type Icon Type Icon
Omastar Type Icon Type Icon
Kabuto Type Icon Type Icon
Kabutops Type Icon Type Icon
Aerodactyl Type Icon Type Icon
Snorlax Type Icon
Articuno Type Icon Type Icon
Zapdos Type Icon Type Icon
Moltres Type Icon Type Icon
Dratini Type Icon
Dragonair Type Icon
Dragonite Type Icon Type Icon
Mewtwo Type Icon
Mew Type Icon

By Tutors

Bulbasaur Type Icon Type Icon
Ivysaur Type Icon Type Icon
Venusaur Type Icon Type Icon
Charmander Type Icon
Charmeleon Type Icon
Charizard Type Icon Type Icon
Squirtle Type Icon
Wartortle Type Icon
Blastoise Type Icon
Butterfree Type Icon Type Icon
Beedrill Type Icon Type Icon
Pidgey Type Icon Type Icon
Pidgeotto Type Icon Type Icon
Pidgeot Type Icon Type Icon
Rattata Type Icon
Raticate Type Icon
Spearow Type Icon Type Icon
Fearow Type Icon Type Icon
Ekans Type Icon
Arbok Type Icon
Pikachu Type Icon
Raichu Type Icon
Sandshrew Type Icon
Sandslash Type Icon
Nidoran♀ Type Icon
Nidorina Type Icon
Nidoqueen Type Icon Type Icon
Nidoran♂ Type Icon
Nidorino Type Icon
Nidoking Type Icon Type Icon
Clefairy Type Icon
Clefable Type Icon
Vulpix Type Icon
Ninetales Type Icon
Jigglypuff Type Icon Type Icon
Wigglytuff Type Icon Type Icon
Zubat Type Icon Type Icon
Golbat Type Icon Type Icon
Oddish Type Icon Type Icon
Gloom Type Icon Type Icon
Vileplume Type Icon Type Icon
Paras Type Icon Type Icon
Parasect Type Icon Type Icon
Venonat Type Icon Type Icon
Venomoth Type Icon Type Icon
Diglett Type Icon
Dugtrio Type Icon
Meowth Type Icon
Persian Type Icon
Psyduck Type Icon
Golduck Type Icon
Mankey Type Icon
Primeape Type Icon
Growlithe Type Icon
Arcanine Type Icon
Poliwag Type Icon
Poliwhirl Type Icon
Poliwrath Type Icon Type Icon
Abra Type Icon
Kadabra Type Icon
Alakazam Type Icon
Machop Type Icon
Machoke Type Icon
Machamp Type Icon
Bellsprout Type Icon Type Icon
Weepinbell Type Icon Type Icon
Victreebel Type Icon Type Icon
Tentacool Type Icon Type Icon
Tentacruel Type Icon Type Icon
Geodude Type Icon Type Icon
Graveler Type Icon Type Icon
Golem Type Icon Type Icon
Ponyta Type Icon
Rapidash Type Icon
Slowpoke Type Icon Type Icon
Slowbro Type Icon Type Icon
Magnemite Type Icon Type Icon
Magneton Type Icon Type Icon
Farfetch'd Type Icon Type Icon
Doduo Type Icon Type Icon
Dodrio Type Icon Type Icon
Seel Type Icon
Dewgong Type Icon Type Icon
Shellder Type Icon
Cloyster Type Icon Type Icon
Onix Type Icon Type Icon
Drowzee Type Icon
Hypno Type Icon
Krabby Type Icon
Kingler Type Icon
Exeggcute Type Icon Type Icon
Exeggutor Type Icon Type Icon
Cubone Type Icon
Marowak Type Icon
Hitmonlee Type Icon
Hitmonchan Type Icon
Lickitung Type Icon
Rhyhorn Type Icon Type Icon
Rhydon Type Icon Type Icon
Chansey Type Icon
Tangela Type Icon
Kangaskhan Type Icon
Horsea Type Icon
Seadra Type Icon
Goldeen Type Icon
Seaking Type Icon
Staryu Type Icon
Starmie Type Icon Type Icon
Mr. Mime Type Icon Type Icon
Scyther Type Icon Type Icon
Jynx Type Icon Type Icon
Electabuzz Type Icon
Magmar Type Icon
Pinsir Type Icon
Tauros Type Icon
Gyarados Type Icon Type Icon
Lapras Type Icon Type Icon
Eevee Type Icon
Vaporeon Type Icon
Jolteon Type Icon
Flareon Type Icon
Porygon Type Icon
Omanyte Type Icon Type Icon
Omastar Type Icon Type Icon
Kabuto Type Icon Type Icon
Kabutops Type Icon Type Icon
Aerodactyl Type Icon Type Icon
Snorlax Type Icon
Articuno Type Icon Type Icon
Zapdos Type Icon Type Icon
Moltres Type Icon Type Icon
Dratini Type Icon
Dragonair Type Icon
Dragonite Type Icon Type Icon
Mewtwo Type Icon
Mew Type Icon
Chikorita Type Icon
Bayleef Type Icon
Meganium Type Icon
Cyndaquil Type Icon
Quilava Type Icon
Typhlosion Type Icon
Totodile Type Icon
Croconaw Type Icon
Feraligatr Type Icon
Sentret Type Icon
Furret Type Icon
Hoothoot Type Icon Type Icon
Noctowl Type Icon Type Icon
Ledyba Type Icon Type Icon
Ledian Type Icon Type Icon
Spinarak Type Icon Type Icon
Ariados Type Icon Type Icon
Crobat Type Icon Type Icon
Chinchou Type Icon Type Icon
Lanturn Type Icon Type Icon
Pichu Type Icon
Cleffa Type Icon
Igglybuff Type Icon Type Icon
Togepi Type Icon
Togetic Type Icon Type Icon
Natu Type Icon Type Icon
Xatu Type Icon Type Icon
Mareep Type Icon
Flaaffy Type Icon
Ampharos Type Icon
Bellossom Type Icon
Marill Type Icon Type Icon
Azumarill Type Icon Type Icon
Sudowoodo Type Icon
Politoed Type Icon
Hoppip Type Icon Type Icon
Skiploom Type Icon Type Icon
Jumpluff Type Icon Type Icon
Aipom Type Icon
Sunkern Type Icon
Sunflora Type Icon
Yanma Type Icon Type Icon
Wooper Type Icon Type Icon
Quagsire Type Icon Type Icon
Espeon Type Icon
Umbreon Type Icon
Murkrow Type Icon Type Icon
Slowking Type Icon Type Icon
Misdreavus Type Icon
Girafarig Type Icon Type Icon
Pineco Type Icon
Forretress Type Icon Type Icon
Dunsparce Type Icon
Gligar Type Icon Type Icon
Steelix Type Icon Type Icon
Snubbull Type Icon
Granbull Type Icon
Qwilfish Type Icon Type Icon
Scizor Type Icon Type Icon
Shuckle Type Icon Type Icon
Heracross Type Icon Type Icon
Sneasel Type Icon Type Icon
Teddiursa Type Icon
Ursaring Type Icon
Slugma Type Icon
Magcargo Type Icon Type Icon
Swinub Type Icon Type Icon
Piloswine Type Icon Type Icon
Corsola Type Icon Type Icon
Remoraid Type Icon
Octillery Type Icon
Delibird Type Icon Type Icon
Mantine Type Icon Type Icon
Skarmory Type Icon Type Icon
Houndour Type Icon Type Icon
Houndoom Type Icon Type Icon
Kingdra Type Icon Type Icon
Phanpy Type Icon
Donphan Type Icon
Porygon2 Type Icon
Stantler Type Icon
Tyrogue Type Icon
Hitmontop Type Icon
Smoochum Type Icon Type Icon
Elekid Type Icon
Magby Type Icon
Miltank Type Icon
Blissey Type Icon
Raikou Type Icon
Entei Type Icon
Suicune Type Icon
Larvitar Type Icon Type Icon
Pupitar Type Icon Type Icon
Tyranitar Type Icon Type Icon
Lugia Type Icon Type Icon
Ho-oh Type Icon Type Icon
Celebi Type Icon Type Icon
Treecko Type Icon
Grovyle Type Icon
Sceptile Type Icon
Torchic Type Icon
Combusken Type Icon Type Icon
Blaziken Type Icon Type Icon
Mudkip Type Icon
Marshtomp Type Icon Type Icon
Swampert Type Icon Type Icon
Poochyena Type Icon
Mightyena Type Icon
Zigzagoon Type Icon
Linoone Type Icon
Beautifly Type Icon Type Icon
Dustox Type Icon Type Icon
Lotad Type Icon Type Icon
Lombre Type Icon Type Icon
Ludicolo Type Icon Type Icon
Seedot Type Icon
Nuzleaf Type Icon Type Icon
Shiftry Type Icon Type Icon
Taillow Type Icon Type Icon
Swellow Type Icon Type Icon
Wingull Type Icon Type Icon
Pelipper Type Icon Type Icon
Ralts Type Icon Type Icon
Kirlia Type Icon Type Icon
Gardevoir Type Icon Type Icon
Surskit Type Icon Type Icon
Masquerain Type Icon Type Icon
Shroomish Type Icon
Breloom Type Icon Type Icon
Slakoth Type Icon
Vigoroth Type Icon
Slaking Type Icon
Nincada Type Icon Type Icon
Ninjask Type Icon Type Icon
Shedinja Type Icon Type Icon
Whismur Type Icon
Loudred Type Icon
Exploud Type Icon
Makuhita Type Icon
Hariyama Type Icon
Azurill Type Icon Type Icon
Nosepass Type Icon
Skitty Type Icon
Delcatty Type Icon
Sableye Type Icon Type Icon
Mawile Type Icon Type Icon
Aron Type Icon Type Icon
Lairon Type Icon Type Icon
Aggron Type Icon Type Icon
Meditite Type Icon Type Icon
Medicham Type Icon Type Icon
Electrike Type Icon
Manectric Type Icon
Plusle Type Icon
Minun Type Icon
Volbeat Type Icon
Illumise Type Icon
Roselia Type Icon Type Icon
Gulpin Type Icon
Swalot Type Icon
Carvanha Type Icon Type Icon
Sharpedo Type Icon Type Icon
Wailmer Type Icon
Wailord Type Icon
Numel Type Icon Type Icon
Camerupt Type Icon Type Icon
Torkoal Type Icon
Spoink Type Icon
Grumpig Type Icon
Spinda Type Icon
Trapinch Type Icon
Vibrava Type Icon Type Icon
Flygon Type Icon Type Icon
Cacnea Type Icon
Cacturne Type Icon Type Icon
Swablu Type Icon Type Icon
Altaria Type Icon Type Icon
Zangoose Type Icon
Seviper Type Icon
Lunatone Type Icon Type Icon
Solrock Type Icon Type Icon
Barboach Type Icon Type Icon
Whiscash Type Icon Type Icon
Corphish Type Icon
Crawdaunt Type Icon Type Icon
Baltoy Type Icon Type Icon
Claydol Type Icon Type Icon
Lileep Type Icon Type Icon
Cradily Type Icon Type Icon
Anorith Type Icon Type Icon
Armaldo Type Icon Type Icon
Feebas Type Icon
Milotic Type Icon
Castform Type Icon
Kecleon Type Icon
Shuppet Type Icon
Banette Type Icon
Duskull Type Icon
Dusclops Type Icon
Tropius Type Icon Type Icon
Chimecho Type Icon
Absol Type Icon
Snorunt Type Icon
Glalie Type Icon
Spheal Type Icon Type Icon
Sealeo Type Icon Type Icon
Walrein Type Icon Type Icon
Clamperl Type Icon
Huntail Type Icon
Gorebyss Type Icon
Relicanth Type Icon Type Icon
Luvdisc Type Icon
Bagon Type Icon
Shelgon Type Icon
Salamence Type Icon Type Icon
Metang Type Icon Type Icon
Metagross Type Icon Type Icon
Regirock Type Icon
Regice Type Icon
Registeel Type Icon
Latias Type Icon Type Icon
Latios Type Icon Type Icon
Kyogre Type Icon
Groudon Type Icon
Rayquaza Type Icon Type Icon
Jirachi Type Icon Type Icon

Pokémon Anime Characters

Thumbnail Stephan's Zebstrika BWS2 22 Revealed in battle against Satoshi's Gamagaru
Thumbnail Lana's Eevee (Sandy) SM 99 In combination with Popplio, it sent Team Skull flying off.
Thumbnail Nemona's Tauros PPW 2 It missed Meowscarada multiple times.
Thumbnail Yuno's Oinkologne (Twirly) PM2023 36 The double attack combo of both Oinkologne against Mamoswine proved to be very effective.
Thumbnail Renta's Oinkologne PM2023 36 The double attack combo of both Oinkologne against Mamoswine proved to be very effective.