Home / Dex / Moves / Brick Break
Move Details

Brick Break Introduced in Generation 3


Types Move Type Damage Class Physical Cool
PP 15
Power 75
Accuracy 100


Language Local Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 劈瓦
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 劈瓦
English Brick Break
French Casse-Brique
German Durchbruch
Italian Breccia
Japanese かわらわり
Japanese (Romanized) Kawarawari
Korean 깨트리다
Spanish Demolición

Damage Done

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
0.5x 2x 0.5x 0.5x 0x 2x 2x 0.5x 0.5x 2x 2x

Pokémon List

By Level Up

Hitmonlee Type Icon
Pinsir Type Icon
Heracross Type Icon Type Icon
Sawk Type Icon
Scraggy Type Icon Type Icon
Scrafty Type Icon Type Icon

By Breeding

By Machine

Charmander Type Icon
Charmeleon Type Icon
Charizard Type Icon Type Icon
Squirtle Type Icon
Wartortle Type Icon
Blastoise Type Icon
Beedrill Type Icon Type Icon
Pikachu Type Icon
Raichu Type Icon
Sandshrew Type Icon
Sandslash Type Icon
Nidoqueen Type Icon Type Icon
Nidoking Type Icon Type Icon
Clefairy Type Icon
Clefable Type Icon
Jigglypuff Type Icon Type Icon
Wigglytuff Type Icon Type Icon
Paras Type Icon Type Icon
Parasect Type Icon Type Icon
Psyduck Type Icon
Golduck Type Icon
Mankey Type Icon
Primeape Type Icon
Poliwhirl Type Icon
Poliwrath Type Icon Type Icon
Machop Type Icon
Machoke Type Icon
Machamp Type Icon
Geodude Type Icon Type Icon
Graveler Type Icon Type Icon
Golem Type Icon Type Icon
Slowbro Type Icon Type Icon
Muk Type Icon
Gengar Type Icon Type Icon
Drowzee Type Icon
Hypno Type Icon
Krabby Type Icon
Kingler Type Icon
Cubone Type Icon
Marowak Type Icon
Hitmonlee Type Icon
Hitmonchan Type Icon
Lickitung Type Icon
Rhydon Type Icon Type Icon
Chansey Type Icon
Kangaskhan Type Icon
Mr. Mime Type Icon Type Icon
Scyther Type Icon Type Icon
Jynx Type Icon Type Icon
Electabuzz Type Icon
Magmar Type Icon
Pinsir Type Icon
Kabutops Type Icon Type Icon
Snorlax Type Icon
Dragonite Type Icon Type Icon
Mewtwo Type Icon
Mew Type Icon
Quilava Type Icon
Typhlosion Type Icon
Totodile Type Icon
Croconaw Type Icon
Feraligatr Type Icon
Sentret Type Icon
Furret Type Icon
Ledyba Type Icon Type Icon
Ledian Type Icon Type Icon
Togetic Type Icon Type Icon
Flaaffy Type Icon
Ampharos Type Icon
Marill Type Icon Type Icon
Azumarill Type Icon Type Icon
Sudowoodo Type Icon
Politoed Type Icon
Aipom Type Icon
Quagsire Type Icon Type Icon
Slowking Type Icon Type Icon
Gligar Type Icon Type Icon
Snubbull Type Icon
Granbull Type Icon
Scizor Type Icon Type Icon
Heracross Type Icon Type Icon
Sneasel Type Icon Type Icon
Teddiursa Type Icon
Ursaring Type Icon
Delibird Type Icon Type Icon
Tyrogue Type Icon
Hitmontop Type Icon
Elekid Type Icon
Magby Type Icon
Miltank Type Icon
Blissey Type Icon
Larvitar Type Icon Type Icon
Pupitar Type Icon Type Icon
Tyranitar Type Icon Type Icon
Treecko Type Icon
Grovyle Type Icon
Sceptile Type Icon
Combusken Type Icon Type Icon
Blaziken Type Icon Type Icon
Marshtomp Type Icon Type Icon
Swampert Type Icon Type Icon
Lombre Type Icon Type Icon
Ludicolo Type Icon Type Icon
Nuzleaf Type Icon Type Icon
Shiftry Type Icon Type Icon
Breloom Type Icon Type Icon
Slakoth Type Icon
Vigoroth Type Icon
Slaking Type Icon
Loudred Type Icon
Exploud Type Icon
Makuhita Type Icon
Hariyama Type Icon
Sableye Type Icon Type Icon
Mawile Type Icon Type Icon
Aggron Type Icon Type Icon
Meditite Type Icon Type Icon
Medicham Type Icon Type Icon
Volbeat Type Icon
Illumise Type Icon
Grumpig Type Icon
Spinda Type Icon
Cacnea Type Icon
Cacturne Type Icon Type Icon
Zangoose Type Icon
Corphish Type Icon
Crawdaunt Type Icon Type Icon
Anorith Type Icon Type Icon
Armaldo Type Icon Type Icon
Kecleon Type Icon
Dusclops Type Icon
Bagon Type Icon
Shelgon Type Icon
Salamence Type Icon Type Icon
Metang Type Icon Type Icon
Metagross Type Icon Type Icon
Regirock Type Icon
Regice Type Icon
Registeel Type Icon
Kyogre Type Icon
Groudon Type Icon
Rayquaza Type Icon Type Icon
Deoxys Type Icon
Chimchar Type Icon
Monferno Type Icon Type Icon
Infernape Type Icon Type Icon
Piplup Type Icon
Prinplup Type Icon
Empoleon Type Icon Type Icon
Kricketune Type Icon
Rampardos Type Icon
Buizel Type Icon
Floatzel Type Icon
Ambipom Type Icon
Bonsly Type Icon
Mime Jr. Type Icon Type Icon
Garchomp Type Icon Type Icon
Munchlax Type Icon
Riolu Type Icon
Lucario Type Icon Type Icon
Skorupi Type Icon Type Icon
Drapion Type Icon Type Icon
Croagunk Type Icon Type Icon
Toxicroak Type Icon Type Icon
Abomasnow Type Icon Type Icon
Weavile Type Icon Type Icon
Lickilicky Type Icon
Rhyperior Type Icon Type Icon
Tangrowth Type Icon
Electivire Type Icon
Magmortar Type Icon
Togekiss Type Icon Type Icon
Gliscor Type Icon Type Icon
Gallade Type Icon Type Icon
Dusknoir Type Icon
Dialga Type Icon Type Icon
Palkia Type Icon Type Icon
Regigigas Type Icon
Darkrai Type Icon
Arceus Type Icon
Victini Type Icon Type Icon
Pignite Type Icon Type Icon
Emboar Type Icon Type Icon
Simisage Type Icon
Simisear Type Icon
Simipour Type Icon
Drilbur Type Icon
Excadrill Type Icon Type Icon
Timburr Type Icon
Gurdurr Type Icon
Conkeldurr Type Icon
Seismitoad Type Icon Type Icon
Throh Type Icon
Sawk Type Icon
Krokorok Type Icon Type Icon
Krookodile Type Icon Type Icon
Darumaka Type Icon
Darmanitan Type Icon
Scraggy Type Icon Type Icon
Scrafty Type Icon Type Icon
Gothitelle Type Icon
Eelektross Type Icon
Haxorus Type Icon
Beartic Type Icon
Mienfoo Type Icon
Mienshao Type Icon
Golett Type Icon Type Icon
Golurk Type Icon Type Icon
Pawniard Type Icon Type Icon
Bisharp Type Icon Type Icon
Tornadus Type Icon
Thundurus Type Icon Type Icon
Landorus Type Icon Type Icon
Meloetta Type Icon Type Icon
Chespin Type Icon
Quilladin Type Icon
Chesnaught Type Icon Type Icon
Bunnelby Type Icon
Diggersby Type Icon Type Icon
Skiddo Type Icon
Gogoat Type Icon
Pancham Type Icon
Pangoro Type Icon Type Icon
Honedge Type Icon Type Icon
Doublade Type Icon Type Icon
Aegislash Type Icon Type Icon
Binacle Type Icon Type Icon
Barbaracle Type Icon Type Icon
Tyrunt Type Icon Type Icon
Tyrantrum Type Icon Type Icon
Hawlucha Type Icon Type Icon
Noibat Type Icon Type Icon
Noivern Type Icon Type Icon
Zygarde Type Icon Type Icon
Hoopa Type Icon Type Icon
Volcanion Type Icon Type Icon
Incineroar Type Icon Type Icon
Pikipek Type Icon Type Icon
Trumbeak Type Icon Type Icon
Toucannon Type Icon Type Icon
Crabrawler Type Icon
Crabominable Type Icon Type Icon
Lycanroc Type Icon
Lurantis Type Icon
Stufful Type Icon Type Icon
Bewear Type Icon Type Icon
Oranguru Type Icon Type Icon
Passimian Type Icon
Golisopod Type Icon Type Icon
Komala Type Icon
Dhelmise Type Icon Type Icon
Jangmo-o Type Icon
Hakamo-o Type Icon Type Icon
Kommo-o Type Icon Type Icon
Tapu Bulu Type Icon Type Icon
Buzzwole Type Icon Type Icon
Pheromosa Type Icon Type Icon
Kartana Type Icon Type Icon
Guzzlord Type Icon Type Icon
Necrozma Type Icon
Magearna Type Icon Type Icon
Marshadow Type Icon Type Icon

Pokémon Anime Characters

Thumbnail Cynthia's Garchomp DP 40 Garchomp jumps into the air and hits Torterra with it
Thumbnail Edmund's Seismitoad BW 72 Followed up Mud Shot with it
Thumbnail Betty's Simipour BW 74 Satoshi's Zuruggu blocked it
Thumbnail Caitlin's Gothitelle BWS2 6 Used against Shirona's Gablias.
Thumbnail Korrina's Machoke XY 44 Citron noted that he couldn't believe Korrina's Machoke power using the attack.
Thumbnail Concetta's Scraggy XYZ 19 Broke up the Focus Blast used in the first round of the Master Class free performance.
Thumbnail Lefty XYZ 19 Attacked Team Rocket in a surprise move.
Thumbnail Alvin's Cubone XYZ 44 Knocked out Rarecoil with a strikingly powerful attack.
Thumbnail Leon's Charizard PM2019 27 Duraludon countered it using Stone Edge!
Thumbnail Poppy's Tinkaton PM2023 55 Tinkaton's hammer smashed through Iono's Bellibolt's Reflect.