Home / Episode Guide / Lights! Camera! Pika! / How to Make a Pikachu Movie: Ready...Action! / Lightning Fast! Brave and Strong! Super-Pikachu! / The Very Best of Super-Pikachu's Back-Slapping Bloopers!/ピカチュウはスター!?映画デビュー!! / How to ピカチュウ・ザ・ムービー!よーい!アクション!! / 迅雷のヒーロー!スーパーピカチュウ!! / ピカチュウのドキドキNG大賞/Pikachu Becomes a Star!? Its Movie Debut!! / How to Pikachu the Movie! Ready! Action!! / The Thunderclap Hero! Super Pikachu!! / Pikachu's Thrilling Blooper Awards
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Lights! Camera! Pika! / How to Make a Pikachu Movie: Ready...Action! / Lightning Fast! Brave and Strong! Super-Pikachu! / The Very Best of Super-Pikachu's Back-Slapping Bloopers!
  • Japan ピカチュウはスター!?映画デビュー!! / How to ピカチュウ・ザ・ムービー!よーい!アクション!! / 迅雷のヒーロー!スーパーピカチュウ!! / ピカチュウのドキドキNG大賞
  • Japan Pikachu wa star!? Eiga debut!! / How to Pikachu the movie! Yooi! Action!! / Jinrai no hero! Super Pikachu!! / Pikachu no dokidoki NG taishō
  • Japan Pikachu Becomes a Star!? Its Movie Debut!! / How to Pikachu the Movie! Ready! Action!! / The Thunderclap Hero! Super Pikachu!! / Pikachu's Thrilling Blooper Awards
  • Germany Licht! Kamera! Pika!
  • France Pikachu en vedette !
  • Spain ¡Luces! ¡Cámara! ¡Pika!
  • Sweden Ljus! Kamera! Pika!
  • Italy Luci! Motore! Pika!
  • Mexico ¡Luces! ¡Cámara! ¡Pika!
  • Finland Valot! Kamera! Pika!
  • Netherlands Licht! Camera! Pika!
  • Brazil Luzes! Câmera! Pikachu!
  • Norway Lys! Kamera! Pika!
  • Denmark Lys, kamera, pika!
  • South Korea 피카츄는 스타!? 영화 데뷔!
  • Russia Свет! Камера! Пика!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Kato

Japan Screenplay 園田英樹 (Hideki Sonoda)
Japan Storyboard 尼野浩正 (Hiromasa Amano)
Japan Episode Director 前園文夫 (Fumio Maezono)
Japan Animation Director 篠原隆 (Takashi Shinohara)
Japan Animation Director 内田裕 (Hiroshi Uchida)
Japan Animation Director 斉藤圭太 (Keita Saitō)
Japan Animation Director 中村路之将 (Michinosuke Nakamura)

OP/ED List

Getta Banban
Gaogao All-Stars
시작하는 여행
Beginning a Journey
영원한 친구
Friends Forever
Pokémon Roll Call
Tình bạn vĩnh cửu
Eternal Friendship

English Official Summary

During their journey across the Kalos region, our heroes are surprised to come across the largest group of Pikachu they’ve ever seen! It turns out that these Pikachu live on the sprawling estate of Frank, a film director who adores Pikachu. Frank has long dreamed of making a blockbuster movie about a group of Pikachu living in Pikachuland, who must defend their town against the evil Pikachu Libre! Super Pikachu will save the day, and Frank wants Ash’s Pikachu to play the part of the beloved superhero. Our heroes want to take part in the production, too, so they participate in every aspect of making the film: script writing, voice acting, even costumes and makeup. When everything is finished, it’s clear that the action-packed movie—complete with a blooper reel and a behind-the-scenes documentary filmed by Serena—is a resounding success!

French Official Summary

Au cours de leur voyage dans la région de Kalos, nos héros tombent par hasard sur le plus grand rassemblement de Pikachu qu'ils n'avaient jamais vu. Ils apprennent que tous ces Pikachu vivent sur le domaine de Jean-Jacques, un réalisateur qui les adore. Jean-Jacques rêve depuis toujours de réaliser un film sur un groupe de Pikachu qui vivraient dans une ville nommée Pikachuland, et qu'ils devraient défendre contre les attaques du diabolique Pikachu Catcheur ! Jean-Jacques voudrait que le Pikachu de Sacha tienne le rôle de Super Pikachu qui viendrait sauver la ville et ses habitants. Nos héros veulent aussi participer au film et chacun se trouve un rôle : écrire le script, procéder aux doublages, et aussi s'occuper des costumes et du maquillage. Une fois que tout est terminé, il est évident que le film, complété par un bêtisier très drôle et un making of très complet réalisé par Serena, obtiendra un succès retentissant !

German Official Summary

Während ihrer Reise durch die Kalos-Region sind unsere Helden überrascht, als sie der größten Gruppe Pikachu über den Weg laufen, die sie je gesehen haben! Es stellt sich heraus, dass diese Pikachu auf dem riesigen Anwesen von Frank leben, einem Filmregisseur, der Pikachu geradezu anhimmelt! Frank träumt seit langem davon, einen Blockbuster über eine Gruppe Pikachu zu drehen, die in Pikachuland lebt und ihre Stadt gegen das böse Wrestler-Pokémon verteidigen muss! Frank möchte, dass Ashs Pikachu die Rolle des heißgeliebten Superhelden Super-Pikachu übernimmt, der Pikachuland retten wird. Unsere Helden möchten sich natürlich auch an der Produktion des Films beteiligen und übernehmen die unterschiedlichsten Aufgaben, die es bei der Umsetzung eines Films gibt: das Schreiben des Drehbuchs, das Synchronsprechen und sogar die Verantwortung für die Kostüme sowie das Make-Up. Als der Film schließlich im Kasten ist, wird deutlich, dass es ein actiongeladener Film ist. Zusammen mit den lustigsten Versprechern und Szenen, die nicht eingearbeitet, aber von Serena gefilmt wurden, ist er ein durchschlagender Erfolg!

Italian Official Summary

I nostri eroi si imbattono in un gruppo di Pikachu insolitamente numeroso che vive nella tenuta di Frank, un regista cinematografico che va pazzo per questa specie di Pokémon. Il suo sogno è realizzare un film ambientato a Pikachulandia, i cui abitanti si trovano a difendere la propria città dal malvagio Pikachu wrestler! Ci penserà Super Pikachu a salvare la situazione! Frank decide di affidare il ruolo di supereroe al Pikachu di Ash e subito i nostri eroi si offrono di aiutare nella realizzazione del film. Il risultato sarà un’opera avvincente e piena di azione, completata da una divertentissima carrellata degli errori di produzione e da scene dal dietro le quinte girate da Serena. È evidente che il film sarà un successone!

Portuguese Official Summary

Durante sua jornada pela Região Kalos, nossos heróis ficam surpresos ao encontrar o maior grupo de Pikachu que eles já viram! Acontece que esses Pikachu moram na bela propriedade de Frank, um diretor de filmes que adora os Pikachu. Frank há muito tempo já sonha em fazer um filme de sucesso sobre um grupo de Pikachu vivendo na Pikachulândia, que precisam defender sua cidade contra o malvado Pikachu Libre! O Super Pikachu irá salvar o dia, e Frank quer que o Pikachu de Ash interprete o papel do amado super-herói. Nossos heróis querem participar da produção também, então eles participam de cada aspecto da produção do filme: script, atuação, até mesmo figurino e maquiagem. Quanto tudo está terminado, fica claro que o filme cheio de ação, contando até com um rolo de filme e um documentário dos bastidores filmado pela Serena—está destinado ao sucesso!

Finnish Official Summary

Matkallaan Kalos-alueen halki sankarimme kohtaavat yllättäen isoimman koskaan näkemänsä Pikachu-lauman! Käy ilmi, että nämä Pikachut asuvat laajalla tilalla, jonka omistaa Frank, elokuvaohjaaja, joka rakastaa Pikachuja. Frankilla on pitkäaikainen unelma tehdä menestyselokuva laumasta Pikachuja, jotka asuvat Pikachumaassa, ja puolustavat kyläänsä pahaa Paini-Pikachua vastaan! Super-Pikachu pelastaa päivän, ja Frank haluaakin Ashin Pikachun esittävän rakastettua supersankaria. Sankarimme haluavat myös ottaa osaa tuotantoon, joten he osallistuvat kaikkiin elokuvanteon vaiheisiin: käsikirjoittamiseen, ääninäyttelyyn, jopa puvustukseen ja maskeeraukseen. Kun kaikki on valmista, on selvä että toiminnantäyteinen elokuva pilalle menneine otoksineen ja Serenan kuvaamine taustadokumentteineen tulee olemaan huikea menestys! Matkallaan Kalos-alueen halki sankarimme kohtaavat yllättäen isoimman koskaan näkemänsä Pikachu-lauman! Käy ilmi, että nämä Pikachut asuvat laajalla tilalla, jonka omistaa Frank, elokuvaohjaaja, joka rakastaa Pikachuja. Frankilla on pitkäaikainen unelma tehdä menestyselokuva laumasta Pikachuja, jotka asuvat Pikachumaassa, ja puolustavat kyläänsä pahaa Paini-Pikachua vastaan! Super-Pikachu pelastaa päivän, ja Frank haluaakin Ashin Pikachun esittävän rakastettua supersankaria. Sankarimme haluavat myös ottaa osaa tuotantoon, joten he osallistuvat kaikkiin elokuvanteon vaiheisiin: käsikirjoittamiseen, ääninäyttelyyn, jopa puvustukseen ja maskeeraukseen. Kun kaikki on valmista, on selvä että toiminnantäyteinen elokuva pilalle menneine otoksineen ja Serenan kuvaamine taustadokumentteineen tulee olemaan huikea menestys!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Durante su viaje a través de la región Kalos, nuestros héroes se sorprenden al encontrarse con el grupo de Pikachu más grande que hayan visto. Resulta que estos Pikachu viven libres en la mansión de Frank, un director de cine que adora a Pikachu. Hace tiempo que Frank sueña con filmar una exitosa película sobre un grupo de Pikachu que viven en Pikachulandia, y quienes deben defender a su pueblo en contra del malvado Pikachu Libre. Súper Pikachu salvará el día, y Frank quiere que el Pikachu de Ash interprete el papel del querido superhéroe. Nuestros héroes quieren formar parte de la producción, así que participan en cada aspecto de la realización del filme: escritura del guion, doblaje, hasta vestuario y maquillaje. Cuando todo está terminado, queda claro que la película llena de acción (que contiene además un rollo de bloopers y un documental detrás de cámaras filmado por Serena) es un resonante éxito.

Spanish Official Summary

Durante su viaje a través de la Región de Kalos, nuestros héroes se sorprenden al encontrarse con el mayor grupo de Pikachu que han visto nunca. Resulta que estos Pikachu viven en la extensa propiedad de Frank, un director de cine que adora a Pikachu. Frank ha tenido siempre el sueño de hacer una película que sea un éxito de taquilla sobre un grupo de Pikachu que vive en Pikachulandia, los cuales deben defender su pueblo  de la malvada Pikachu Enmascarada. Superpikachu salvará la situación y Frank quiere que el Pikachu de Ash interprete el papel del querido superhéroe. Nuestros héroes también quieren participar en la producción por lo que toman parte en cada aspecto de la realización de la película: escribir el guión; poner las voces, incluso en vestuario y maquillaje. Cuando todo está terminado, está claro que la película llena de acción, e incluyendo un rollo de tomas falsas y un documental de "Cómo se hizo" filmado por Serena, es un éxito rotundo.

English Great Britain Official Summary

During their journey across the Kalos region, our heroes are surprised to come across the largest group of Pikachu they’ve ever seen! It turns out that these Pikachu live on the sprawling estate of Frank, a film director who adores Pikachu. Frank has long dreamed of making a blockbuster movie about a group of Pikachu living in Pikachuland, who must defend their town against the evil Pikachu Libre! Super Pikachu will save the day, and Frank wants Ash’s Pikachu to play the part of the beloved superhero. Our heroes want to take part in the production, too, so they participate in every aspect of making the film: script writing, voice acting, even costumes and makeup. When everything is finished, it’s clear that the action-packed movie—complete with a blooper reel and a behind-the-scenes documentary filmed by Serena—is a resounding success!

Russian Official Summary

Во время путешествия по региону Калос наши герои с удивлением встречают огромную группу Пикачу! Оказывается, что они все живут на ранчо Фрэнка, кинорежиссёра, который обожает Пикачу. Фрэнк давно мечтает снять блокбастер о группе Пикачу, которые живут на Земле Пикачу и защищают свой город от злобного Борца Пикачу. Всех спасает Супер Пикачу. И Фрэнк хочет, чтобы супергероя сыграл Пикачу Эша. Герои, разумеется, тоже хотят принять участие. Они задействованы в каждом этапе создания фильма: в написании сценария, озвучивании, создании костюмов и грима. Когда работа окончена, оказывается, что фильм получился на славу! Напоследок нам показывают фильм о фильме с неудавшимися кадрами, режиссёром которого стала Серена.

Dutch Official Summary

Wanneer onze helden op weg zijn door de Kalos regio, zijn ze verbaasd als ze de grootste groep Pikachu ooit zien! Deze Pikachu wonen op het landgoed van Frank, een filmregisseur die dol is op Pikachu. Frank droomt ervan een film te maken van een groep Pikachu die in Pikachu-land wonen en hun stad moeten verdedigen tegen de kwaadaardige Pikachu Libre! Super Pikachu is de grote held en Frank wil dat de Pikachu van Ash de rol van deze superheld gaat spelen. Onze helden willen ook meedoen aan deze filmproductie, dus helpen ze mee aan: het script schrijven, de dubbing en zelfs de kleding en make-up. Als alles klaar is, is het duidelijk dat de actiefilm -  samen met de bloopers en de making-off-documentaire van Serena – een daverend succes is!

Norwegian Official Summary

På reisen gjennom Kalos-regionen blir heltene våre overrasket over å støte på den største gruppen med Pikachu de noen sinne har sett! Det viser seg at disse Pikachu bor på den svære eiendommen til Frank, en filmregissør som elsker Pikachu. Frank har lenge drømt om å lage en kassasuksess av en film om en gruppe Pikachu som bor i Pikachuland og må forsvare landsbyen sin mot den onde Pikachu Libre! Super Pikachu skal redde dagen, og Frank vil at Ashs Pikachu skal spille den høyt elskede superhelten. Heltene våre vil ta del i produksjonen også, så de deltar i alle elementene som er involvert i filmlagingen: manuskriptskriving, stemmegiving, kostymer og sminke. Når alt er ferdig er det tydelig at den actionfylte filmen?inkludert bommerter og bakomfilm laget av Serena?er en rungende suksess!

Swedish Official Summary

Under sin resa genom Kalos-regionen blir våra hjältar förvånade när de får syn på den största grupp med Pikachu de någonsin sett! Det visar sig att alla dessa Pikachu bor på en en stor egendom som tillhör Frank, en filmregissör som avgudar Pikachu. Frank har sedan länge drömt om att göra en filmsuccé om en grupp Pikachu som bor i Pikachuland, och som måste försvara sin stad mot den onda Pikachu Libre! Super Pikachu ska rädda dem allihop, och Frank vill att Ashs Pikachu ska spela rollen som den dyrkade superhjälten. Våra hjältar vill också delta i filmproduktionen, så de är med i varenda moment av filmskapandet; manusförfattandet, röstskådespelandet,  och även kostymerna och make-upen. När alltihop är färdigt, står det klart att den actionfyllda filmen, komplett med filmtabbar och en bakom-kulisserna-dokumentär som Serena gjort, är en rungande succé!

Danish Official Summary

På deres rejse gennem Kalos-regionen støder vore helte overraskende nok på den største flok Pikachu, som de nogensinde har set! Det viser sig, at Pikachu-flokken lever på et gods ejet af filminstruktøren Frank, som elsker Pikachu. Frank har længe drømt om at lave en storfilm om en flok Pikachu, der lever i Pikachuland og må forsvare deres by mod den onde Pikachu-wrestler! Super-Pikachu skal klare ærterne, og Frank vil have Ashs Pikachu til at spille rollen som den elskede superhelt. Vore helte vil gerne være med til produktionen af filmen, så de får lov til at være med i alle aspekter af filmindspilningen: Manuskriptskrivning og  stemmeskuespil, ja, selv kostumer og makeup. Da sidste hånd er lagt på værket, er det tydeligt, at den spændingsmættede film - med fraklip og optagelser bag scenen, som Serena har sørget for - er en bragende succes!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena
  • Japan セレナ
  • Japan Serena
  • Japan Serena
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bonnie
  • Japan ユリーカ
  • Japan Eureka
  • Japan Eureka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont
  • Japan シトロン
  • Japan Citron
  • Japan Citron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Dedenne
  • Japan シトロンのデデンネ
  • Japan Citron no Dedenne
  • Japan Citron's Dedenne
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Hawlucha
  • Japan サトシのルチャブル
  • Japan Satoshi no Luchabull
  • Japan Satoshi's Luchabull
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena's Braixen
  • Japan セレナのテールナー
  • Japan Serena no Tairenar
  • Japan Serena's Tairenar
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Frank
  • Japan フランク
  • Japan Frank
  • Japan Frank
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jean
  • Japan ジーン
  • Japan Jean
  • Japan Jean

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pikachu
  • Japan ピカチュウ
  • Japan Pikachu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Magnemite
  • Japan コイル
  • Japan Coil
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Weezing
  • Japan マタドガス
  • Japan Matadogas
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Torkoal
  • Japan コータス
  • Japan Cotoise
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Gurdurr
  • Japan ドテッコツ
  • Japan Dotekkotsu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Swirlix
  • Japan ペロッパフ
  • Japan Peroppuff
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Heliolisk
  • Japan エレザード
  • Japan Elezard
No notes available for this episode.

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode in the dub featured a special eyecatch made to look like an old film cell with Pikachu.

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode in the dub featured a special eyecatch made to look like an old film cell with Pikachu working on a movie.

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode in the dub featured a special eyecatch made to look like an old film cell with Pikachu watching the movie they made.

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode in the dub featured a special eyecatch made to look like an old film cell with Pikachu storyboard pictures in the background.

Special First-Airing Segment Movie Preview

The one-hour special this episode originally aired as part of ended with a lengthy presentation of the upcoming movies "The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa" and "Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians".

The presentation started with a quick rundown of The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa's premise, narrated by Anchor Shokotan, before presenting the movies' guest voice actors: Tatsuya Fujiwara (Barza), Shinichi Shinohara (Hippopotas), Koichi Yamadera (Super Hoopa), Shoko Nakagawa (Mary) and Mizuki Yamamoto (Narrator of the short).

Next, Shokotan said that they had promised to bring super-rare info during this special and asked the four others to please reveal something new that wasn't already know. Fujiwara's super-rare info is that while he likes fried oysters, he can't eat raw ones, Mizuki Yamamoto reveals that her stomach has a tendency to rumble during takes, Shinoahara says he intends to exchange LINE contact information with Fujiwara after they're done here, and Yamadera reveals he always has to wear toe socks to not get sick.

Finally, the segment ended with another reminder about the special pre-order movie ticket, with which you can get Arceus and your choice of one of six legendary Pokémon for your game.

Okido Segment Pokémon Holo Caster

Pokémon Holo Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Pikachu (ピカチュウ)
Japanese ゲットだぜ! ピカチュウいっしょに ピッピカチュウ
Romaji Getto da ze! Pikachuu issho ni Pippikachuu
Translated You got it! Together with Pikachu, say "Pi-Pikachu"!

This was a repeat of XY1's holo caster segment, though with Hoopa added in.
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Time Track Notes
Japan 01:28 XY M42 Guiding An old man compliments the Pikachu's movements.
Japan 02:35 カギ・カギ・カギ!!
Japanese (Romanized): Kagi kagi kagi!!
Japanese (TL): "Keys, Keys and More Keys!!"
Movie 17 Short BGM - The group, as well as Frank and Jean introduce themselves to each other.
Japan 03:32 いってきま~す
Japanese (Romanized): Ittekimaaasu
Japanese (TL): We're Off
Movie 17 Short BGM - Frank's Pikachu open the door for their grand entrance.
Japan 05:05 XY M24 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4 / Citron's Inventions
Citron takes out... brainwaves.
Japan 06:14 XY M10 パルファム宮殿
Japanese (TL): Parfum Palace
Jean talks with Satoshi and Serena in a balcony at night.
Japan 07:02 ピカチュウ、これなんのカギ?
Japanese (Romanized): "Pikachu, kore nan no kagi?"
Japanese (TL): "Pikachu, What Kind of Keys are These?"
Movie 17 Short BGM - The 2nd part of the episode starts (the music begins 9 seconds through).
Japan 07:52 イーブイハウスを大冒険
Japanese (Romanized): Eievui House wo daibōken
Japanese (TL): Adventure at the Eievui House
Movie 16 Short BGM - Filming of the scene begins.
Japan 09:07 XY M52 ショッピング
Japanese (TL): Shopping
Serena films the "producers"' meal.
Japan 10:45 ゲッタバンバン
Japanese (Romanized): Getta Banban
Japanese (TL): Getta Banban
Further scenes of the movie are filmed
Japan 11:43 ピカチュウ、これなんのカギ?
Japanese (Romanized): "Pikachu, kore nan no kagi?"
Japanese (TL): "Pikachu, What Kind of Keys are These?"
Movie 17 Short BGM - The 3rd part of the episode starts (the music begins 9 seconds through)
Japan 12:12 アレだよ、デデンネ
Japanese (Romanized): "Are da yo, Dedenne"
Japanese (TL): "Over There, Dedenne"
Movie 17 Short BGM - The preview screening of the movie begins
Japan 12:44 チゴラス怒らす!
Japanese (Romanized): Chigoras ikarasu!
Japanese (TL): The Chigoras are Angry!
Movie 17 Short BGM - Pikachu Libre's attack begins
Japan 13:23 XY M73 ハンサムのテーマ
Japanese (TL): Handsome's Theme
Super Pikachu arrives to rescue the inhabitants from the Libre Pikachu.
Japan 13:55 ミリスとブリガロン
Japanese (Romanized): Miriss to Brigarron
Japanese (TL): Miriss and Brigarron
Movie 17 BGM - Libre Pikachu takes the female Pikachu as his hostages
Japan 14:37 あきらめちゃダメだ!
Japanese (Romanized): Akiramecha dame da!
Japanese (TL): We Can't Give Up!
Movie 17 BGM - Super Pikachu rushes to rescue the female Pikachu
Japan 16:08 Movie 14 Reshiram Remixed BGM - レシラムVSゼクロム
Japanese (Romanized): Reshiram VS Zekrom
Japanese (TL): Reshiram VS Zekrom
Movie 14 Reshiram Remixed BGM - Super Pikachu's friends arrive to the rescue
Japan 17:11 XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (TL): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
Frank and the group are impressed by the movie.
Japan 18:04 ピカチュウ、これなんのカギ?
Japanese (Romanized): "Pikachu, kore nan no kagi?"
Japanese (TL): "Pikachu, What Kind of Keys are These?"
Movie 17 Short BGM - The 4th part of the episode starts (the music begins 9 seconds through)
Japan 18:17 ゲッタバンバン
Japanese (Romanized): Getta Banban
Japanese (TL): Getta Banban
"Outtakes" and "making-of" scenes are shown
Japan 20:21 XY M05 タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
The announcer announces new info on Movie 18.
Japan 20:31 XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (TL): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
Shoko-tan briefly recaps Satoshi's adventures in Kalos.
Japan 20:55 Movie 17 Unused BGM - Teaser Trailer - Title Theme Shoko-tan talks about Super Hoopa, the star Pokémon of the movie.
Japan 21:13 Movie 18 Unused BGM - Trailer The anchor announces Shoko-tan's "arrival" to the movie dubbing studio. (Music starts about 40 seconds in).
Japan 21:19 XY M20 8番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 8
The voice actors for each major character of the movie are shown.
Japan 22:08 XY M38 ぱったんパズル
Japanese (TL): Swiftly Puzzling
Shoko-tan's "antics" are shown.
Japan 22:44 XY M63 Tripokalon Theme Mizuki Yamamoto and Shinohara are asked to reveal "super rare info".
Japan 23:21 BW Remixed BGM ユナイテッドタワー
Japanese (TL): United Tower
Yamadera is asked the same.
Japan 23:39 XY M05 タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
The announcer comments on the "revelations" and the contest (the music begins 10 seconds through).
Japan 24:00 ガオガオ・オールスター
Japanese (Romanized): Gaogao All Stars
Japanese (TL): Gaogao All Stars
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 25:21 XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (TL): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
Pocket Monsters XY Episode 79 Preview
Japan 25:51 Tweedia
Japanese (Romanized): Tweedia
Japanese (TL): Tweedia
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Time Track Notes
United States 00:30 Be a Hero (A Hero's Journey) [From "Pokémon the Series: XY"] Opening Theme for the English dub
United States 05:31 XY M24 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4 / Citron's Inventions
Clemont takes out... brainwaves.
United States 17:34 XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (TL): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
Frank and the group are impressed by the movie.
United States 20:47 Be a Hero (A Hero's Journey) [From "Pokémon the Series: XY"] Ending Theme for the English dub (Instrumental version)

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 31
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 4
10 Jun 2015 11:26 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 1344
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This special will have a mass outbreak of Pikachu! All the Dressup Pikachu and Satoshi's Pikachu will be making a movie! There will also be lots of information on the movie premiering this summer!!

"The Pokémon Sky Relay Challenge! Fly, Onbat!!"
Satoshi enters a "Sky Relay", a flying race for Pokémon capable of flight! He decides to enter with Hinoyakoma, Luchabull and Onbat, however it seems Onbat still isn't all that good at flying. Will Onbat manage to fly properly?

"Pikachu Becomes a Star!? Its Movie Debut!!", etc
An old man that loves Pikachu chooses Satoshi's Pikachu to play the lead in the movie he's making! There are lots of Pikachu at the shooting location, so Satoshi and his friends get really excited! However, a major problem arises: There's not enough staff members and the story itself isn't done! Satoshi and his friends rise to the task!

Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena
Yuki Kaji: Citron
Mariya Ise: Eureka
Megumi Sato: Dedenne
Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
Yuji Ueda: Sonansu
Kenta Miyake: Maaiika
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration

Voice Cast for "The Pokémon Sky Relay Challenge! Fly, Onbat!!":
Naoki Bando: Oiseau
Yuichiro Umehara: Ornis
Yuka Terasaki: Hinoyakoma
Chinatsu Akasaki: Mukkuru
Kensuke Sato: Mukubird
Tsuguo Mogami: Mukuhawk
Kiyotaka Furushima: Announcer

Voice Cast for "Pikachu Becomes a Star!? Its Movie Debut!!", etc:
Wataru Takagi: Frank
Noriko Shitaya: Jean
18 Jun 2015 03:01 PM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 1344
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Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena
Yuki Kaji: Citron
Mariya Ise: Eureka
Megumi Sato: Dedenne
Megumi Hayashibara: Tairenar
Shinichiro Miki: Luchabull
Mika Kanai: Idol Pikachu
Miyako Ito: Madame Pikachu
Kensuke Sato: Dotekkotsu
Kiyotaka Furushima: Elezard
Wataru Takagi: Frank
Noriko Shitaya: Jean
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration